Category: Beauty

8 exercises that will help you quickly and painlessly sit on the twine

Even if you have sufficient flexibility, it is not so easy to sit on a longitudinal twine. Without special preparation, this can be problematic and even dangerous to health. In any case, do not drive yourself into some framework and deadlines for which you must certainly master this "trick". Each has its own genetics and muscle architecture - a hurry here is nothing. The main thing in this business is the regularity of classes and the right attitude.

8 exercises that will help you quickly and painlessly sit on the twine
10 cunning products that interfere with you lose weight

Of course, it will be not talking about roasted potatoes, mayonnaise and hamburgers. We will talk about the hidden calorie content of dietary products that most of us are considered completely safe. In fact, they are not so harmless and make in themselves a lot of fats, carbohydrates and calories.

10 cunning products that interfere with you lose weight
Safe Peeling Face at Home: 6 Easy Recipes

To achieve the perfect skin condition without black dots, acne, wrinkles and pigment stains, salon procedures are better alternating with the right home care. Pillings are especially effective.

Safe Peeling Face at Home: 6 Easy Recipes
How to get rid of cellulite at home

Here are some simple secrets that will help you get rid of the hated "orange peel" at home.

How to get rid of cellulite at home
Dyucana diet: what are the supermodels silent and whether it is worth starting it

Despite contradictory reviews, Dukhan diet is fantastically popular and many modern women who want to quickly lose weight, choose it. We decided to figure out: what is her essence? What are the risks? And what are the advantages?

Dyucana diet: what are the supermodels silent and whether it is worth starting it
Top 6 effective and painless types of salon epilation

Down with wax, sugar and electroepilation. We are for comfort and painlessness. We understand in cosmetology news that helps remove unwanted hair effectively, quickly and without pain.

Top 6 effective and painless types of salon epilation
9 products that make your heels soft and well-groomed

Instead of expensive salon procedures, take care of your heels at home. You will not need a lot of time for this and, moreover, money. You just need to put a little - and the result will exceed all your expectations.

9 products that make your heels soft and well-groomed
Babushkina beauty recipes that should not be trusted

Someone smears the face of sour cream, others are experimenting with scrubs of oat flakes and coffee. What about ice cubes instead of tonic? Many women are confident that the "home" cosmetics are better than synthetic. After all, there are many silicones, parabens and other packs. But are the folk beauty recipes are effective and safe?

Babushkina beauty recipes that should not be trusted
Makeup for the authorities: 7 basic rules

Often, girls with a similar anatomical structure of the eyes face such a problem: how to stop look sleepy. After all, heavy, the top eyelid makes the look tired, even if the energy in the body beats the key. Today we will tell about some tricks that will help hide this little drawback.

Makeup for the authorities: 7 basic rules
Beautiful tan not a dream, but reality: 9 simple rules

Who among women does not dream from holiday from a beautiful, smooth, chocolate tan? But how to achieve this? Our tips will help you to make a long-standing dream.

Beautiful tan not a dream, but reality: 9 simple rules
Fruit Trend: Juicy Ideas for Summer Manicure

Fruit manicure is what girls need to be in hot summer days. Here are 17 curious design options that will certainly inspire you to experiment.

Fruit Trend: Juicy Ideas for Summer Manicure
9 stars that create high-quality cosmetics

Celebrities often love to share with fans with their beauty secrets. Some went further and began to produce their own cosmetics line. Jessica Alba, Miranda Kerr, Rihanna, Kylie Jenner - Now reproduce their daily skin care and makeup easier simple!

9 stars that create high-quality cosmetics
The best and worst fitness trackers today

Studies of the effectiveness of fitness gadgets. Most of them have serious errors in the testimony. But on the basis of these testimony, people take vital decisions that directly affect their health. Let's deal with ...

The best and worst fitness trackers today
Best Recipes Home Face Masks

Unlike professional, homemade masks are much cheaper and always at hand. It is enough to open the refrigerator or look into the kitchen cabinet - no doubt, everyone has home the useful ingredients. Here are 10 excellent home masks recipes to solve various skin problems.

Best Recipes Home Face Masks
Dry skin: the main reasons and how to deal with it

Millions of women on the planet are faced with the problem of dryness of the skin. Itching, cracks, roughness, uneven surface. Familiar situation? Today we will tell why such problems arise. And what needs to be done to turn dry skin into well-moistened.

Dry skin: the main reasons and how to deal with it
10 products that help relieve weight

There are hundreds of options for a variety of diets promising the wonderful transformation of the body as soon as possible. But we will be honest, diets are always dubious pleasure. Moreover, unsafe. We offer a more democratic option. Turn into your diet products helping to lose weight. They are small, quickly satisfy the body with energy and often contain substances that, in the literal sense, burn fat deposits.

10 products that help relieve weight
How to stylish braid: 10 steep ways with step-by-step analysis in video

Spit - Probably the most feminine hairstyle on the ground. Therefore, it will never lose their popularity among women.

How to stylish braid: 10 steep ways with step-by-step analysis in video
15 ideas for stylish spring manicure

The long-awaited spring "dictates" to us its rules not only in the choice of wardrobe, but also the design of nails. About the most relevant colors, drawings and techniques of manicure, read in our review.

15 ideas for stylish spring manicure
The most unusual components of modern cosmetics

It's no secret that we live in a world where the external attractiveness of a person is above all appreciated. Have you thought about what makes modern cosmetics?

The most unusual components of modern cosmetics
Myths about yoga, in which you already shame to believe

Yoga is known to humanity for more than 5000 years. It practices millions of people across the planet. But, despite its popularity, many stupid myths are still connected with yoga. It's time to dispel them!

Myths about yoga, in which you already shame to believe
10 The most abnormal myths about skin care

Is the silicone really harmful and is it possible to replace the moisturizer with natural oil? I know you with the 10 most common advice on skin care, which cause big doubts from specialists.

10 The most abnormal myths about skin care
7 signs of good fitness coach

If you want to quickly and effectively bring yourself into shape, you can not do without the help of the instructor. But not all coaches in fitness clubs can be called professionals. How to understand, a good coach in front of you or not?

7 signs of good fitness coach
10 myths about stretching, which time to destroy

Stretching helps to lose weight? Is it possible to learn to sit on the twine in 7 days? Stretching is contraindicated to people with a sore back? We will respond to these and other issues in our review.

10 myths about stretching, which time to destroy
10 unexpected factors that promote the set and weight loss

Today, people are ready for everyone, just to look slim and beautiful. Scientists come to the aid. Here are 10 unexpected factors that contribute to the set and weight loss.

10 unexpected factors that promote the set and weight loss
10 main advice beginner yogam

If you feel uncertain in yoga classes, or you are just starting your way on this path, these ten tips can help you achieve success faster.

10 main advice beginner yogam
9 most popular training for this winter

Zima, New Year, Christmas, Winter holidays approaching. But this does not mean that you need to forget about sports, then in the opposition of the beach season to fall into depression. We have collected for you the 9 most popular training that will help you keep the body in Tonus all year round.

9 most popular training for this winter
6 fashionable ways to update your appearance

Change the hairstyle is the easiest way to update your appearance. After all, fashion does not stand still. And to replace light natural curls and playful carelessness came new trends. Intricate braids, shinons, smooth laying "Hairs to the hairs" - somewhere we already met, is not it? Famous all the truth "All new is well forgotten old" works so far.

6 fashionable ways to update your appearance
10 things that in no case can do in the gym

Do you love to do selfie on the background of the simulators? Rewind with a girlfriend during the workout? What about effective anti-cellulite wraps after training? Stop suffering from nonsense and annoying others! Better read our leadership about 10 things that should never be done in the gym.

10 things that in no case can do in the gym
8 cunning secrets how to lose weight without much effort

It is believed that with excess weight, you must certainly fight. And all possible methods: exhausting training and hunger strikes. We have excellent news for you: Lose weight, without applying to this special effort, yet really. The main thing is the right mental attitude and the use of small tricks, which we will tell you today and tell.

8 cunning secrets how to lose weight without much effort
10 techniques in make-up, for which women will definitely fall into hell

Women are ready for everything to look attractive. In pursuit of ideal, many completely forget about the sense of measure. Of course, no one is insured against mistakes. But once and forever remember: these techniques in make-up should be considered forbidden.

10 techniques in make-up, for which women will definitely fall into hell