10 unexpected factors that promote the set and weight loss

Today, people are ready for everyone, just to look slim and beautiful. Scientists come to the aid. Here are 10 unexpected factors that contribute to the set and weight loss.

More recently, people fought for survival. The stumbling block has always been the food. Today the situation has changed dramatically. And the main enemy of mankind, at least in the civilized world, is overweight. People are ready for everything, just to look slim and beautiful. Scientists come to the aid. Here are 10 unexpected factors that contribute to the set and weight loss.

More legumes
It has not been a secret for a long time that most diets, especially low-lived, and even more hungering cause irreparable harm to the body. But there is still one loophole. Hypoglycemic diet, it is low carbon. It does not cause sharp jumps of blood sugar and allows the body for a long time to feel full. During the experiments, people who were placed on bean, brown rice, whole grain bread, burned a day at 150 kcal more than the "lucky" on a low-fat diet. And this, for a minute, equals the loss of 8.3 kg of weight per year.

Good dream
It would seem what is the connection between sleep quality and overweight? It turns out that direct. Scientists of the Uppsa University found out that the lack of sleep adversely affects the work of the frontal lobe of the brain. But it is she responsible for our food reactions. Conclusion Disappointing: People who suffer from lack of sleep prefer food with a large content of sugar and fat. With such taste preferences about a slender figure worth forgetting.

Lose weight on spores
It turns out that the insane people who regularly postpone in social networks reports on their weight loss, lose weight by 20% faster than their modest opponents. Such results of the study published the Netherlands Journal of Obesity Research and Clinical Practice. Even more effectively, the instigators of the various kinds of "slides". "The feeling of divided responsibility" helps them not to break and empty the fridge at night.

Acid burns fat
Most of us prefer black coffee. In order to lose weight, much more efficiently use green coffee - that is, the one that is prepared on the basis of unheared grains. It contains a lot of chlorogenic acid, which, in turn, prevents glucose absorption in the body. In simple language, it does not allow it to turn into fat cells. According to the results of an American chemical society, for six months, with the help of this invigorating drink, you can reset as much as 8 kg.

Fatigue in training
Pretty nice news published scientists from the University of McMaster in Canada. It turns out that during training does not need to be killed before the loss of the pulse. It is enough to positive on full only on the first approach. Our body begins to reset the weight when the muscles are already tired. He has to use all his reserves and burn fat.

Now let's discuss what, at first glance, innocuous factors contribute to a rapid weight gain.

Cunning smoothies
Smoothies - probably one of the most popular drinks of modernity. Adepts of a healthy lifestyle say that it is not only tasty, but also very useful. But not everything is so simple. Most fruits and some vegetables contain a large amount of natural fructose. And it causes concerns. Scientists from the Texas South-Western Medical Center found that excessive fructose consumption contributes to a rapid weight gain and malfunction in the hormonal system. Unlike ordinary sugar, a hormone insulin is not required to absorb fructose. It almost freely turns into fat in our organism.

Ready dinners
Semi-finished products, ready-made salads in supermarkets and food from cafes and restaurants with high probability contains a large number of harmful fats, sweeteners, salts and taste amplifiers. Daily consumption of such food is negatively affected by our health and waist.

Water water
Often, the usual water tap water is rich in fluorine, the excessive consumption of which complicates the absorption of iodine. Numerous scientific research says that the constant deficiency of iodine slows down our metabolism. And this certainly contributes to the deposits of undesirable fat.

Romantic dinners, the state of universal comfort and relaxation - all this is an integral part of healthy relationships. But, unfortunately, the whole set can lead to an unexpected weight gain.

Stressful situations contribute to the increase in the level of cortisol hormone, which is responsible for storing fat in our body. First of all, what accumulates on our waist and stomach. After all, if you think, our body is not able to figure out what caused stress: global cooling, - then you need to stock internal resources in order not to perish, or another banal quarrel with a partner.

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