Myths about yoga, in which you already shame to believe

Yoga is known to humanity for more than 5000 years. It practices millions of people across the planet. But, despite its popularity, many stupid myths are still connected with yoga. It's time to dispel them!

Yoga is known to humanity for more than 5000 years. It practices millions of people across the planet. But, despite its popularity, many stupid myths are still connected with yoga. It's time to dispel them!

Yoga only for flexible
This is perhaps the most common misconception. Most people avoid practicing yoga, just because they consider themselves to be inflexible. Remember, physical perfection - has never been a priority for yogis. The main thing is to achieve harmony with its own, inner world. Newbies perform the simplest exercises that die for everyone. And the ability to sit on the twine or make a rack on the head should not become your self-charge.

Yoga is a purely female occupation
Yoga was invented by a man. And for a long time practiced exclusively by men. Everything has changed in the second half of the 20th century, when one of the first women-yogis Indra Devi opened his studio in America. Today, the attitude towards yoga in Western men is changing. Famous actors, musicians, athletes promote her in their social networks. Fortunately, the myth of the "Nezhuhm" character of yoga gradually disappears.

Yoga is safe
Like any type of physical activity, yoga classes suggest some risks. You can always avoid injuries, if you clearly and correctly perform all asans. And here, of course, without the help of an experienced teacher can not do. Even if you have any medical restrictions, it is not a reason to abandon classes. Any practices can always be adapted to a specific person.

Extra weight yoga and people are incompatible
Extra kilograms are not at all contraindications for yoga. On the contrary, yoga will help launch the process of accelerating metabolism. The main thing in classes is to properly fulfill asana and respect your body.

Yoga is a banal stretching
From yoga, it seems a set of gymnastic exercises. And no more. But in practice everything is much deeper. The word "yoga" means unity of the body and mind. Yoga is akin to meditation practices. Focusing on bodily sensations and breathing, you must learn to free your body from blocks and clamps, and the mind - from obsessive ideas and thoughts.

All kinds of yoga are the same
There are several varieties of yoga. And each practice has its own goal. For example, if you want to have a healthy and strong body, pay attention to the Hatha yoga. Kundalini Yoga is more aimed at the energy aspect. Classes, as a rule, begin with reading mantras. And finally, bhakti yoga is the highest level of practice. This, so to speak, a genuine search for perfection, beginning and ending in love.

The main goal in yoga is to learn how to perform complex poses
The surrounding reality, and first of all, social networks have formed about yoga not quite a right view. All these people are in bizarre poses, husky in Instagram and admiring views of others. Yoga is just about the ability of his own ego. Although in spectacular poses, of course, there is nothing wrong, the preference is still given to simple asanam aimed at relaxing and removing the clips.

Yoga is part of some religion
Yoga is not some kind of sect. There are no strict canons and rules that need to be followed. Of course, it can be religious. Especially if you decide to go to India for practice. Most of the Western coaches are more oriented on the "physical" aspect of yoga. And how much, you will be imbued with spiritual search, depends only on you.

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