Diet habits that are terrible for your liver
Many are not aware of this silent health crisis.

You know that your diet affects your body fat and cardiac health. But do you ever consider how the food you eat can affect yourliver? There is a silent sanitary attack affecting a quarter of the American population and it is not type 2 diabetes, although it is linked. It is a disease of non-alcoholic foie gras (NAFLD).
NAFLD peeling us over a long time. "His symptoms do not occur often as long as the liver is not seriously compromised," said Kristin Kirkpatrick, RD, who is dietician with the Clinic of Cleveland for 20 years and is co-author with Hepatologist Ibrahim Hanouneh, MD, bookSkinny Heiver: a proven program aimed at preventing and reversing the new silent epidemic liver disease.
"Non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis Does silent because, well, the liver is not a very sexy organ, "said Kirkpatrick." I mean, the heart, the brain and the gut are always in the news, but we forget the liver. "
Kirkpatrick explains that the liver is supposed to have fat, but once it reaches more than 10% fat, you have a non-alcoholic foie gras disease. "Most people will not know it until they have any annual review, and their full metabolic panel (blood test) shows that their liver enzymes are rising. At this point, the doctor will generally examine Other metabolic markers as being overweight or to be seen if their hemoglobin A1C is too high and decides, well this person probably has foie gras. "
All you swallow, sweet drinks to the donuts, margaritas to medicine, can affect your liver, because one of the main jobs of the liver is detoxification and metabolisation of what we maintain. Keep that in mind that you consider the question of which of these terrible unhealthy eating habits for your liver. Then make sure to read our list of the list of100 instantaneous foods on the planet.
Sugar and sweet drinks

"There are very clear things that contribute to excess fat production in the liver and sugar are one of them," Kirkpatrick said.
Americans consume an average of 65 pounds of added sugar each year, according to theAmerican Heart Association. The largest source is sweet drinks like soda and sports drinks, grain desserts, fruit drinks, sweets and desserts based on dairy products. Sugar andFructose-rich corn syrup Of these sources that are not used to power the body are stored as excessive fat in liver cells.
here is14 sneaky sources of added sugars You may not know.
Refined carbohydrates

Cookies, cakes, bagels, donuts, muffins and pastries are made from highly refined grains. White bread, hamburger and buns hot-dog, pizza dough, crackers, white rice and all made from fine white flour free of fibers and added sugars.
Eat these foodsRaise your blood glucose And can lead to insulin resistance, which is considered a key cause of the infiltration of liver fat, according to the American college of gastroenterology.
"If you can dramatically reduce your carbohydrates and refined sugars, it leads to a reduction in insulin dependence and then helps to reverse the disease in this first step of NAFLD," said Kirkpatrick. "You want to reduce fat in the liver where it is no longer diagnosed with the disease."
To achieve this, Kirkpatrick tells his overweight patients "it's time to clean up your diet" and make their diet so close to theMediterranean diet Also possible. "This is probably one of the best diets to avoid the disease of the foie gras". here is5 Advantages of weight loss People lived in the Mediterranean diet.
Processed foods

Almost everything that comes in a box, a bag or a box isHighly transformed food. Think of potato chips, soups, mac 'n' cheese, frozen dinners, microwave meals, box cereals. Not only do these foods generally contain refined carbohydrates and added sugars, but they are also often loaded with salt. Animal studies in theAgricultural Chemistry and Food JournalSuggest that high sodium intake may result in a high risk of liver damage and fibrosis.
Red meats

Red meats And other foods rich in saturated fats (fries, whole milk and cheese) have been linked to a non-alcoholic disease of the foie gras. A study inThe Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism The comparison of the overeating with saturated fatty acids and overflowing with polyunsaturated fatty acids for eight weeks revealed that while weight gain did not look like the increase in saturated fat consumption reinforced the fat content of the fat liver. Similarly, a 2020 study inDiabetic treatments found that a high diet insaturated fats had a powerful effect on increasing triglyceride droplets in the liver.

Of course, alcohol consumption is known for prejudicial liver. But even a moderate alcohol consumption can result in additional fat accumulation in the liver for people with non-alcoholic foie foie gras disease, according to theFoie Gras disease clinic at Michigan University. Hepatologists have recommended NAFLD patients avoid alcohol completely or at least minimize alcohol less than 2 glasses a day for men and drinking a day for women.
The elimination of dietary habits that are terrible for your liver, like these can help you prevent this silent disease. And they will probably lead to another beneficial result: weight loss. See, most liver fat comes from adipose tissue (grease on your body), according to theJournal of the Clinical Survey. Simply lose 10% of your current body weight increases the probability that liver fat is reduced.
Good liver health is a combination of reducing the toxins you ingest (alcohol is a toxin, as well as chemicals, preservatives and pesticides in food), sugars, refined carbohydrates and saturated fats. You consume and avoid becoming overweight.
"Every time you can lose 5 to 10% of your weight, everything improves," says Kirkpatrick.
Start by avoiding these20 worst foods for weight loss.

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