Permanent eyebrow makeup: pros, disadvantages and basic views

Permanent eyebrow makeup or tattoo? Many still confuse these concepts. Despite the overall similarity of the procedures, there are a number of significant differences between them. Painlessness, innovative methods and pigments, DISTRIBUTY - all this, as you guessed, the advantages of permanent makeup. We will talk about its main types of pluses and minuses.

Permanent making eyebrows or tattoo? Many to Siktor confuse these concepts. Despite the general similarity of the procedures, between nimy, a number of significant differences. Pencing, innovative methods of pigments, DISTRIBUTY - all this, as you guessed, advantage permanent makeup. About its fundamental, pluses and minuses we will read today.

Permanentmaking eyebrows- It is the surface introduction of natural nation in the skin with specialmachines. With this procedure, affecting the skin layer, not more than 1 mm. The average service of the "new" eyebrows - by the year. In the case of a tattoo, they will accompany you all my life.

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The existers of the main type of permanent makeup. The most difficult and close sweather of execution to tattoo -microblading. It allows you to completely change the formums or create a new one, in the event of a sagging absence. The Master with Help makes a shallow incision in the skin by booting it with a pigment, imitatoriavosok. There are two types of microblading: oriental and european. First-standing parallel patterns. The European method is aimed at namaximal naturalness. For its adventure, several color pigments are used; Hair pattern will be chaotic, reminding their polod growth.

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Poodlemakezh Or, as it is also called, the method of rustucked by painting the maximum "natural" eyebrows. The pigment in the industry is gently decisive. No drops and clear boundaries. Broughtbuching look, as if simple with a pencil or shadows. Minascessaries - such a method allows not much to correct the eyebrows.

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Mixed equipmentConnects two previous options. It is possible in the case when clients of the cardinal change: in bulk the shape of the eyebrows, disguiseshrama, scars and other disadvantages. A thanks to the next decisive boring brow looks very naturally aestral.

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Regardless of which technique you give up. First, you will mutant to participate in the mad-cardie for cosmetic innovations. These, pencils, sweets, gels ... only suckons how much money you will save. In the second, it is saving time and nerves. I will no longer need to be saved on the morning, creating perfect symmetrical crops on the face . Agree, far out of us is endowed with the talent of the makeup artist.

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Kaki every cosmetic procedure, supermanship makeup, too, have a sentence. The worst thing is that you can happen - this is a bad or extreme master. Before going to salon-sash, read the portfolio of the selected specialist. Read customer feedback. Soviet to bypass the face of the masters who take at home.

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Hiking by a proven specialist in salonmaximally protects you from the risk of skin. Sterility, the use of disposable consumables - that's what you should think.

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Permanentmaking is contraindicated by people, suffering a diabetes, diseases associated with blood coagulation, pregnant women. Inflammatory processes in the body and the reception of antibiotics.

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As a whole, the entire procedure for experienced mastermesemet is not more than 1.5-2 hours. In the current days, skin will heal, the pigment is mounted. But the final result will be visible in a month. For the first time, ten days of eyebrows will need to be melted by a moisturizing cream of a landing ointment. In this period, it is impossible to paint eyebrows, visitingbassane, solarium, to be under the open implantation of the sun, is actively engaged.

Длительность процедуры перманентного макияжа | Перманентный макияж бровей: плюсы, минусы и основные виды | Her Beauty

A month later, the Master will advise you to come to the correction to correct the flaws, make a more rich color. But this procedure is optional if everything suits you.

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