7 signs of good fitness coach
If you want to quickly and effectively bring yourself into shape, you can not do without the help of the instructor. But not all coaches in fitness clubs can be called professionals. How to understand, a good coach in front of you or not?

If you want to quickly and effectively bring yourself into shape, you can not do without the help of the instructor. But not all coaches in fitness clubs can be called professionals. How to understand, a good coach in front of you or not?
He has a diploma of higher education
Professional instructor - a man with a diploma in the specialty "Physical Culture and Sport". But, unfortunately, the owners of fitness centers often save on highly qualified specialists. It is easier and cheaper to take advantage of the services of a person, all over the completed coaching courses. Such a "amateur" will require much less salary than a coach with extensive experience and serious knowledge. It should be understood that the courses only expand the knowledge of a person in a particular direction. And whether this knowledge was at all? Although, of course, there are exceptions. And a person without higher education due to perseverance and labor can be a real professional. But this happens infrequently.
Takes into account your physiology, age and opportunities
Graduates of higher educational institutions are familiar with such disciplines as biomechanics, anatomy, biochemistry and physiology. Therefore, such a person will know not only how to work with the "iron", but also to organize workouts, taking into account the age-related features of the client, the features of its metabolism and power mode. It is not difficult to understand that such workouts are much more efficient and safer.
Requires a certificate of health
Heavy weight classes, serious cardionaries can cause numerous health problems: ligament injuries and bone apparatus, as well as hazardous diseases of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, in any fitness center or gym, the instructor is simply obliged to demand a certificate of health status.
Gives a delight tips for nutrition and sports additives
A good coach will always help correctly adjust the power mode, given your needs. It also has a wide knowledge base in the field of sports additives. But be alert. If your personal trainer persistently advises some particular brand, first check the information on the Internet. If it is a big brand, boldly trust the advice. If this is a little-known novelty from domestic producers, you should not risk. Most likely, your instructor receives a commission for its advice and the sales percentage.
Permanent Customer Insurance
Personal coach must constantly insure and monitor the well-being of the client: follow the frequency of heart abbreviation, breathing, intensity of sweating. This information makes it possible to understand whether it is possible to increase, continue the load. If your instructor appears on the horizon only at the beginning and at the end of the workout, think about its qualifications.
He is in good physical form
The physical form of your coach should not cause any doubt. At the same time, it is desirable that he does not just promote you a healthy lifestyle, but he himself was in the subject.
Questions on nutrition and training regime should never cause him bewilderment and awkward pauses.
Works in your profile
A little to know the general theoretical base, you need to know the specifics of each sport. So, for example, a swimming instructor must teach swimming. And no other sight of sports. Otherwise, he, at least, should receive a new qualifications at the Institute for advanced training.

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