Top 6 effective and painless types of salon epilation

Down with wax, sugar and electroepilation. We are for comfort and painlessness. We understand in cosmetology news that helps remove unwanted hair effectively, quickly and without pain.

Diplyvoskovaya, sugar and electroepilation. We are for comfort and painlessness. We are thinking in cosmetology and helps to remove unwanted hairs efficiently, quickly and without pain.


Removenened hair with the help of a polymer model developed by British Specialists, absolutely painless does not take much time. It seems to be small, symmetrical ashors. Such a wax is enriched with utility extracts and does not contain their composition of harmful substances, likerdrigati.

The wax temperature is rather low, therefore, to get a burn or irritation. The polymer disc is not sticking the skin, but directly envelops the hairs. For its painlessness, the procedure is proceeding for different zones on the body, in a volumetric, and for the most sensitive.

Polymervaxing will allow you to enjoy brave legs for 6 weeks.

Полимерный ваксинг | Топ-6 эффективных и безболезненных видов салонной эпиляции | Her Beauty


Enzymes are carried out using special enzymes - enzymes. They are present all living organisms. With their help, for example, our skin is released by deaconized cells.

Write its features, enzyme epilation will take you longer than the polymer vaxing. First, the special enzyme composition is on the leinname. Then - osmotic film. The next stidia is the heating of the skin by the thermoeprom. The reason for the action of the enzyme temperature to begin and destroy the hairpollicles. At the same time, you will not feel sensitive painful sensations.

See full atrophy of hairlovers, enzyme epilation need to be needed by a course, approximately 5-7 procedures. This procedure has its own minuses. Meeting a few days after the epilayment is a resurrected to visit the pool, the bath is elected under the right rays of the sun.

Энзимная эпиляция | Топ-6 эффективных и безболезненных видов салонной эпиляции | Her Beauty

Epilation by Alexandrite Laser

The epilation of analyxandritic laser is one of the most matopular in the world. It is practically difficult and satisfied with effective. With unwanted hairs can be known for a couple of years.

Samapprocessor takes a little time. A bikini is called, for example, 15 minutes will leave. After some time you need to repeat. In general, it is 5-7 a procedural course of several months. Intercessions have grown hairs can be removed or cream.

Bill out what tools will be used in the cabin. Furniture devices are equipped with special coercive nozzles, allowed not to experience pain during the procedure.

Эпиляция александритовым лазером | Топ-6 эффективных и безболезненных видов салонной эпиляции | Her Beauty

Epilation laser

Propulator Alexandrite, well-established epilation by a diode laser. Its primary thoroughness from the previous one is that the laser pump comes into contact with the skin. And takaku these nozzle is fixed and disinfected by aggressive cleaning agents, it can become a problem of duplicate, who have a fucked pointer.

Kaki any other type of laser hair removal, this procedure is suitable for girls, taking unwanted hairs, although there is a tone of darker skin. That is, tanned blinds such a method will not fit.

Post-session epilation, of course, impose under the right rays of the sun to visit the solarium.

Эпиляция диодным лазером | Топ-6 эффективных и безболезненных видов салонной эпиляции | Her Beauty


The photoepilation of the destroying bulbs occurs with the help of an intensive impulsive beam of light. The head in this procedure is caught. Hair needs to be removed at the stage of growth, otherwise they will grow up again. However, an experienced specialist is definitely definitely difficult.

In order to freeze from unwanted hair, the procedure needs to be carried out. The full course of photoepilation plants on average from 6 months to a year.

If you feel during the epilayment, without any painful sensations, always choose the salon, equipped with equipment.

Фотоэпиляция | Топ-6 эффективных и безболезненных видов салонной эпиляции | Her Beauty


El slot epilation is a hybrid of photoepilation with high-frequency. Due to the double exposure to elosium-epilation, efficient and laser hair removal is considered.

The workshop of the epilation was able to regulate the intensity of light head. Therefore, such a procedure come together with a dark or dark color of the skin, for which laser epilation reson is contapocated.

Almost complete atrophy of the hair follicle can be achieved for 5-8 procedures. The number of sessions will depend on the type of skin and hair. The gap between the procedures is about one month.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: epilation
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