The most unusual components of modern cosmetics

It's no secret that we live in a world where the external attractiveness of a person is above all appreciated. Have you thought about what makes modern cosmetics?

It's no secret that we live in a world where the external attractiveness of a person is above all appreciated. Have you thought about what makes modern cosmetics?

snake poison
Cosmetologists call the snake poison "Natural Botox". It is often included in anti-aging creams. Even ultra minimal number of poison can effectively deal with wrinkles.

Mucus snails
The snail mucus contains a large amount of elastin and glycolic acid. These substances help the skin fight with harmful bacteria, acne, stretch marks. They also protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays. Therefore, manufacturers generously include the discharge of snails into various moisturizers.

Poison insects
The bee poison, for example, is used to combat wrinkles. The presence of a large amount of peptides, proteins and useful enzymes contributes to the stimulation of rehabilitation processes in the skin.

Musk is often part of the fragile creams, lotions and, of course, perfume. This aromatic substance is extracted from the genital glands of the muscus rat and cabaggie - miniature deer. In truth, natural musk is very expensive raw materials. Therefore, manufacturers often use its synthetic analogues.

Fish Schee
From fish scales receive a flickering crystalline substance Guanin. It is often included in the nail polish, lipstick and gloss for lips, shampoos, highlighters and some creams.

Seed bull
The bull seed contains a large amount of protein. In other words, protein. This component you will accurately meet on the label of expensive and high-quality means designed to restore dry and damaged hair.

Categories: Beauty
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