How to get rid of cellulite at home
Here are some simple secrets that will help you get rid of the hated "orange peel" at home.
Cellulinates each woman on the planet. Differences are just how launched. Some beautiful representatives were lucky more: irregularities on their hips and stomach are practically not noticeable. What is the secret? Loose, heredity, special care? There is a combination of factors. Most simple secrets that will help you get rid of the hateful "orange peel" at home.
Get rid of bad habits
Sugar, salt, coffee, tea and other caffeine containing drinks - excessive use of products prevent the removal of fluid from the body. As a result, you wake up failure, edema appear. The body accumulates toxins that are not allowed with liquid, and cellulite appears. In the risk group is also alcohol, under the influence of which the body produces more female hormones. Excessive Estrogen is also one of the causes of cellulite. If you do not want elaborate skin, you also need to minimize the use of fried food, sweets, fast food and semi-finished products.
Proper nutrition
To make a "orange peel", in your diet there should be daily in products, rich in fiber: Fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts, greens. Signs of fish, containing ama-3 fatty acids, make membranes of cells more elastic. Natural protein products: meat, eggs, fish are the zone for the formation of connective tissue, including muscles. Storemtent: To get rid of cellulite, in no case you can not sit up a rod diet. Fasting will further aggravate the problem.
To drink a lot of water
Water waters from the body excess toxins, and also provides high levels of bulk processes in subcutaneous fat tissue. Daily dose of water needed individually. As a rule, it is 30 ml of water on everybody body weight.
Cold and hot shower
The contrast increases the overall skin tone. Alternation of hot and cold water is improved, strengthens the walls of the vessels. Due to the inflow of blood and oxygen-relief, the skin is gradually aligned.
Interval training
Sport is certainly not a panacea, but regular physical exertion helps to avoid cellulite. Particularly effective can be called intervalnets. The essence of them is to alternate the exercise for 10 minutes, while practically without resting between approaches.
Of course, a professional masseur will cope with such a problem. But in household conditions, you can also hold such a procedure. For massage, use a rigid or mitten, roller, rubber or wooden massager. A total of 10 minutes of throughout 2-3 times a week - and your skin will noticeably transformed.
Scrubs and wraps
The improvement of the thighs and the abdomen will also help special warming massages containing a coffee extract, horse chestnut, mountain arric. After warming scrubs and wraps, it is good to use high-scale creams with a content of menthol or rosemary.
Salt baths
Sea salt is also effectively fighting cellulite. It takes toxins, speeds up all the exchanged process in subcutaneously fatty cells and makes the skin more elastic and elastic.