Raised salmon from the farm vs Wild salmon captured

So you can make a more enlightened decision when you visit your local fishmonger.

Fans ofSalmon Know how many fish is versatile. Whether you enjoy the best smoked and on a bagel, or grill with seasonal light, salmon can immerse a variety of dishes. In recent years, however, the discussion between wild agricultural people has stole many people of interest, because the latter has become more prevalent in grocery stores.

There has been a lot of misinformation projected around the two (with the load that falls mainly on livestock); So, in the attempt to get a more concise answer on the salmon debate on the farm on the farm, we did research and consulted Jeremy Woodrow, Executive Director ofAlaska Seafood Marketing Institute, to lend more insight on what types of salmon are captured.

What are the essential differences between the high salmon on the farm and wild?

Site:The salmon raising on the farm is usually from theAtlantic Ocean Then are hatched, high and harvested in acontrolled environment. Surprised wild salmon, on the other hand, is harvested from the Pacific Ocean mainly during the summer months. As a result, the salmon at breeding is available fresh throughout the year. It is also often cheaper than wild salmon because wild salmon can only be bought from June to September, except frozen.

Flavor:Since the habitat of each type of salmon differs, everyone's flavor is also distinctly distinctive. Wild salmon salmon ready moreRobust salmon flavor And is often a less firm and less fatty fish. The elevated salmon on the farm is higher in fat, which is immediately noticeable with these visible streaks of fat in the net. It's this big fat that allows it to collapse more easily when you tighten your fork and offers a softer fish flavor.

Diet: Wild salmon VS Agriculture havedifferent sources of food. More specifically, farmers nourish their salmon chaum containing corn, grains and a compound called Astaxanthine, which turns the orange of flesh. Wild salmon naturally has a pink pink color because their diet is composed of crustaceans, algae and other sources rich in carotenoids (the red pigment of plants). Farmers try to imitate this with Astaxanthine, which turns the flesh of fish a light orange. Although there are currently studies to determine any long-term effects of synthetic astaxanthin on our health, it is currently judged safe to eat by the USDA.

Species:Make fun! The debate on the wild deposit and the farm is not limited to one species of fish! Woodrow says there are five fresh salmon species harvested in Alaska (where90 and 95% From all the wild salmon harvest in the United States comes from).

  1. Red salmon-Aso known as red salmon, Alaska SockKeye is one of the most popular salmon species because of its deep red color and its rich salmon flavor.
    Available:Fresh from mid-May to mid-September and frozen all year.
  2. King-Lovely for its size and succulent flavor, King Salmon, also known as Chinook and is the largest of the five Salmon species of Alaska. It also has the highest grass content.
    Available:Mainly taken in summer, but some are harvested all year.
  3. Coho-Aso known as silver salmon, Alaska Coho lends itself to a crowd of preparation styles. The coho salmon is the second largest kind of salmon in Alaska and is known for its orange red flesh, a delicate flavor and a firm texture.
    Available: Mid-June at the end of October and jelly all year.
  4. Pink-True in his name, Alaska pink salmon has a pink pink flesh. The most abundant and affordable of the five salmon species of Alaska, pink salmon is known for its delicate flavor and tender texture. This species is often available canned but is also ideal for smoking.
    Available: June to September and frozen all year long.
  5. Keta-Keta, also called Silverbrite or Chum, has a soft flavor and a tempting pink color. This extremely versatile species is good for smoking and, because of its firm texture, it is an excellent choice to grill or roast.
    Available: June to September and frozen all year round.

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Is wild salmon healthier than the high farm?

Before sharing conclusions, let's look at nutritional information.Breeding salmon contains 412 calories per half-fillet, while the same size ofwild wild salmon Contains only 281 calories, according to the nutritional information of the USDA. This means that agricultural salmon contains 38% more calories than wilderness.

With regard to fat, cultivated salmon contains 52% more fat than wild salmon (26.6 grams against 12.6 grams). And the composition of this fat is also different. Cultivated salmon actually contains more omega-3 anti-inflammatory fatty acids than wild salmon (5 vs. 3.4 grams). But this comes with a grip. Wild salmon contains almost half of the amount of omega-6 fatty breeding fatty acids (1.6 vs. 2.7 grams).

Have a higher omega-6 concentration may not seem well, especially so that we can consumeMore than 20 times the amount of omega-6 fatty acids that we should-but it's not the end of the world. Fish is one of the few sources of omega-3 fatty acid food, so you better consume any type of wildfish or agriculture to harvest these fatty acid advantages. If you are really concerned about the lowering of your omega-6 consumption, you need to reduce higher sources of omega-6 fatty acids in the US diet: soybean oil and corn (common ingredients in foods transformed).

As for the healthiest, research is countered. Some make the argument that theNourished given to salmon elevated on the farm is high in fat and protein, also making more agricultural salmon in calories, greases and proteins. Recent studies suggest that antibiotics used between fish groups on the farm to prevent the disease from beingLinked to antibiotic resistance genes and can finallyMake a way in bacteria worn on the ocean This directly threatens human health.

However, there does not seem to be enough coherent (and current) research that concludes that high salmon is an unhealthy or less durable option. The key is to do your research on who you buy salmon, no matter if it's wild or farmer.

Salmon is filled with omega-3 anti-inflammatory fatty acids andVitamin D, the two Americans tend not to have enough. Whether you choose to buy wild fishermen or farm, focus should be more about flavor and texture rather than trying to decide based on health reasons.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Fish / Omega 3
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