Tag: health

≡ Doctors called 5 products causing hormonal imbalance》 Her Beauty
Experts conducted a study and identified five categories of products that can negatively affect the hormonal background of a person.

≡ 6 common misconceptions about chicken meat》 Her Beauty
Chicken meat is one of the most popular products in the modern world. However, different myths and speculation are often common among consumers.

≡ Which oil is actually more useful: from 82.5% or 72.5% fat content》 her beauty
What kind of oil does the body really benefit?

This is the power of will! For 2 years, the girl lost 240 kg
At age 12, Christina Phillips weighed 130 kg. At the age of 21, her weight exceeded 300 kg, so the girl could no longer get out of bed on her own.

What will happen if there are many cherries? Benefits and harm
Many adore a bright, juicy and sweet cherry. And this is not surprising. In addition to a bright taste, it has a number of useful properties.

7 мифов о беременности, в которые давно пора перестать верить
Мы собрали самые распространенные мифы и предрассудки, на которые беременным женщинам давно пора перестать обращать внимание, чтобы не усложнять себе жизнь.

6 popular loss tips that do not work
For each person, the process of weight loss is unique.

8 purple products that should be included in the diet of this fall
Eggplants, blueberries, plums, grapes - a saturated purple shade of these products gives a special plant pigment Anthocian. This substance has powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Just that need to be in cool autumn weather when the sky is tightened with clouds and pours rain. About these and other beneficial properties of purple food in our review

9 products from which you should never refuse to keep health
Believe me, to refuse these products is not even on the most rigid diet.

How to eliminate redness on the face
Read in our review about the basic causes of skin irritation and beauty-khaki against redness on the face.

How sugar poisoning us life: 8 disappointing facts
Everyone knows that sugar is the enemy number one in the fight against overweight. But this is not the main reason to abandon sweets.

Fans suspected health problems with sharply thin wolf
Photos of the evacuated ex-primaries greatly suggest horror on her fans. Volochkova itself does not perceive criticism seriously and continues to lose weight rapidly.

What happens to your body after you refuse coffee: pros and cons
Coffee in the morning - the usual ritual for most people. But coffee has a reverse side. We understand what happens to your body when you decide to abandon caffeine.

Diet longevity: how to eat to not grow old longer
With the approach of summer, many of us seek to change your diet so as not to gain extra kilograms. However, such a strategy is incorrect. Unbalanced food can cause premature aging.

6 strong documentaries, motivating correctly eat
Why many so-called "useful" products contribute to obesity? Does vegetable food help to deal with cancer? What harm cause cows atmosphere of the earth?

5 Recipes of useful home chips that thorough your craving for snacks
Little in life can be tastier crispy home chips - and they are so easy to prepare.

How not to recover during quarantine: 7 Delful Soviets
Little movement, a lot of food - during quarantine there is a risk of seriously recovering. We share effective advice as not to eat a sides, sitting at home at a computer.

All you need to know about interval fasting
It is believed that the interval starvation prolongs youth, improves the mood and increases human cognitive abilities. Is it really and what is the essence of this phenomenon, read in our today's review.

Will there be a pandemic? 10 facts about coronavirus
Experts found that a new type of coronavirus - 2019-NCOV became the causative agent of the deadly disease. At the moment, 4 thousand 474 cases of infection were recorded in the world, of which 107 were lethal. Do we expect a pandemic? And what are the scale of the impending tragedy?

9 Best Herbs for Women's Health
At different times, famous evacuarians were treated with these herbs. And it is surprising, in our century a variety of medicines, they still continue to enjoy popular. Here are 9 medicinal plants that will help women extend youth and beauty, and also get rid of some diseases.

9 severe reasons are good
Chronic lack of sleep is the cause of weakened immunity, low libido, early aging and a number of other unpleasant things. If you are from those megasny people who still consider the sleep of "empty spending time", we advise you to reconsider our priorities.

6 non-existent ailments
Medicine does not stand still. The level of medical training is growing and new treatments appear. But in the medical cards, records with non-existent diagnoses or their incorrect interpretation are not ceased. Find out what diagnoses does not exist in world practice or under them implies a completely different disease. 1....

How to quickly lose weight for the new year: 6 tips who need to start following now
Yes, yes, until the new year remained only a month. And if you have already chosen a dress for a festive party, but you want to lose a few kilograms to look perfect, then you need to start lose weight now! The main thing is to do everything right and without compromising health.

Coffee helps to lose weight? 6 facts about a coffee diet
I know you with the main advantages and obvious shortcomings of a new-fashioned diet!