All you need to know about interval fasting

It is believed that the interval starvation prolongs youth, improves the mood and increases human cognitive abilities. Is it really and what is the essence of this phenomenon, read in our today's review.

It is believed that the interval starvation prolongs youth, improves the mood and increases human cognitive abilities. Is it really and what is the essence of this phenomenon, read in our today's review.

Let's start with the fact that this term has a number of titles: Intermittent Fasting (Intermitted Fasting), Intermittent post, intermittent or interval fasting. Despite the difference in variations, they all designate about one thing - a special dietary meal. It is worth noting that the interval fasting is not a synonym for therapeutic, whose, by the way, have a number of contraindications.

The essence of the reception is as follows: the day is divided into two so-called periods of the period, one of which stacked food intake. During the second, the starvation window appears, that is, it is absolutely impossible to eat this time. Allolized water, tea or coffee. But, necessarily, without sugar.

Duration of frequencies of starvation and meals can be different. 10/14 - one of the most admitting options for beginners. In this post, 14 hours of hunger alternate with 10 hours, when you can eat everything that you want. It is, from 8.00 to 18. 00 You can eat fireless restrictions, in the rest of the period, drink water or tea.

Speed ​​and most effective interval starvation -8/16. It is easy to comply with it, if you refuse to tempt the late morning and early breakfast. With tajrasklad, most of the windows are hungry on sleep.

2 / 5- The scheme of interval starvation, developed by Michael Mosley's nutritionist. There is no longer about the clock, but about the days. According to this method, 5 days per week you can eat anything. The rest2 days - maximally limit the temptations. Of course, you should not get completely completely in food. Optimally, to reduce in the "hungry days" consumption of up to 500 kcal.

What is the benefit from the interval starvation? The most obvious is to bring itself a variable physical form. In the "hungry" modeorganism of the pancreascent, thereby getting rid of consequences. As studies show, on average, the weight of practitioners is hungry for 8% for 1-6 months.

However, the slim legs and the thin waist of the effectperiodic starvation is not limited. Periodic starvation is also good prophylaxic diabetes and various diseases. Normalize blood sugar in blood and pressure, the level of "bad" cholesterol is reduced, cognitive clauses are improved.

Periodic starvation, of course, has its opponents. Most of them fear that during starvation the body will begin to "rally" not only its fat, but also the muscles. However, numerous studies show that it takes more time to start such a process. At least a day, or even more fasting hours.

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