≡ Doctors called 5 products causing hormonal imbalance》 Her Beauty

Experts conducted a study and identified five categories of products that can negatively affect the hormonal background of a person.

Experts conducted a study and identified five categories of products that can negatively affect the hormonal background of a person.

1. Soya

The first place was taken by soy products: tofu cheese, soy milk, soy sauce, “soy meat”. Although in recent decades, soybeans are widely perceived as part of a healthy diet, there are fears regarding its potential harmful effect on the hormonal system.

The basis for disputes was the fact that soy contains an unusually high concentration of isoflavon. These compounds have estrogenic properties, that is, they are able to imitate the effect of the female sex hormone estrogen. In abundance, they are able to suppress the thyroid gland. This, in turn, can lead to mood swings, depression and violations of sexual function.

2. Chicken

Experts recommend replacing poultry meat with fish or lean pork. Of course, chicken meat has a pleasant taste and is relatively affordable in price compared to other types of meat. It could be called it useful, but almost all of the chicken on the shelves of stores contains hormones and antibiotics. These substances are used to extend the shelf life of the product.

In addition, hormones and antibiotics can be added to bird feed so that they grow faster. For comparison, a poultry fillet is never as large as in a store. Since it is not fed by harmful additives that can negatively affect the hormonal balance of a person.

3. Dairy products

In third place - dairy products. They contain a significant number of female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone, which causes serious fears among doctors. This is due to the fact that cows are stimulated by the constant production of milk. The truth is also that these hormones are present in dairy products with “organic” or “without hormones” labeling. Estrogens are naturally produced in the body of a cow, even if it does not receive additional hormonal additives.

The conclusion is disappointing: milk not only helps to increase estrogen levels, but can also increase the risk of cancer.

4. Beer

The next harmful product is beer. When preparing it, hops are used, which gives the drink a characteristic aroma and bitterness. It contains a large number of phytoestrogens - plant compounds similar in structure to female sex hormones, estrogens. The excess presence of these hormones in beer can provoke apathy and a decrease in energy. In addition, drinking beer, especially in large quantities, can lead to a set of excess weight, which also negatively affects the hormonal background of a person.

5. Dyes

Cakes, sweets, sweet drinks and even sausages - these products often have a bright and attractive color. However, this is a clear sign that the dye is added to them. Unfortunately, in most cases, natural ones are quite expensive. The danger is pose of food dyes that are made from petrochemical products. They negatively affect the endocrine system of the body. In order not to break the hormonal balance, doctors advise choosing dyes obtained from vegetables and fruits.

Categories: Food and travel
Tags: / health
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