How sugar poisoning us life: 8 disappointing facts

Everyone knows that sugar is the enemy number one in the fight against overweight. But this is not the main reason to abandon sweets.

Everyone knows that sugar is the enemy number one in the fight against overweight. But this is not the main reason to abandon sweets. There is still at least eight serious reasons to try forever exclude sugar from your diet.


Many of us have a habit of "recharged" a chocolate bars or sweet tea. In fact, it is self-deception. Sugar only briefly makes us feel very energetic. This relates him to caffeine: after a short-term tide of strength, the period of total fatigue occurs. This is due to a sharp jump insulin in the blood. To get a long-term charge of cheerfulness, instead of sweets, eat complex carbohydrates contained in legumes, wholegrain croups and bread.

Reduces cognitive abilities

The view that the absorption of chocolate helps to remember more information and it is better to create, one of the most common myths about Sahara. Sugar, on the contrary, "slows down" our mental abilities. It creates a kind of "fog effect" in consciousness, dull attention and ability to memorize. If you have the exam or any other intelligent test, it is better not sweet at all. Lay on nuts and other products rich in useful fats.

Provocates depression

The uncontrolled sugar consumption increases the risk of developing inflammatory processes in the body, which, according to scientists, are the main perpetrators of the emergence of depression. Already, experts are recommended to patients suffering from this ailment, to significantly reduce the consumption of sweets. Unfortunately, many of them are quite difficult to fulfill this task. After all, even healthy people are difficult to abandon such products. It is incredibly difficult to get out of this closed circle.

Accelerates aging processes

Failure to sweets is the easiest way to extend youth and beauty. Sugar destroys collagen - a protein that makes up the basis of the dermis. Simply put, avid sweet tooth risks earlier. The treacherously quickly formed wrinkles under the eyes, where the skin is the finest and sensitive. Studies also testify that sweet food is one of the main reasons for the appearance of acne and black points.

Causes addiction

Sugar causes a strong dependence. After his failure, the same symptoms are observed as after refusing opium or nicotine. For example, increased irritability, anxiety and aggression. "Sugar" dependence has been studied little while. But science does not stand still. Perhaps after 10 years on the packages of goods in the supermarket will write about its harm for the body, like warning messages on packs of cigarettes.

Reduces immunity

We have already mentioned that sugar provokes the development of inflammatory processes in the body. Also sugar increases pressure. These factors strongly undermine immunity. Sweet tooths are difficult to confront infections. As a result, they are often cold and picked up the flu.

Increases the risk of dementia

Permanent jackets of insulin in the blood overload cells. Over time, they lose resistance to the stimulus. As a result, to get satisfaction, you need more sweet every time. Over time, brain cells acquire insulin resistance. A person becomes apathetic, he worsens memory, the ability to navigate in space and time.

Negatively affects sleep

Mood swings, stress, anxiety - permanent satellites Sweets. With such a bouquet of symptoms it is quite difficult to have a healthy dream. Sugar refusal stabilizes the nervous system. The result is the long-awaited feeling of peace and relaxation. In this state about insomnia you will forget forever.

Categories: Food and travel
Tags: health / sugar
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