Will there be a pandemic? 10 facts about coronavirus
Experts found that a new type of coronavirus - 2019-NCOV became the causative agent of the deadly disease. At the moment, 4 thousand 474 cases of infection were recorded in the world, of which 107 were lethal. Do we expect a pandemic? And what are the scale of the impending tragedy?

Experts were established that a new typonavirus - 2019-NCOV became the causative agent of the deadly disease. At the moment, 4 thousand 474 sections of infection are recorded in the world, of which 107 were lethal. Does Nampandmia expect? And what are the scale of the impending tragedy? We have collected 10 facts on one virus that will help you make the right conclusions.
The virus came to us from the animal world
Coronavirusyport not only people, but also dogs, cats, birds, pigs and other animals. Former-axis virus 2019-NCOV consider snake coronavirus hybridomy. The virus mutation occurred about two years ago, but only now he is a person's body. However, there are other, more conspiracy theories. For example, the new virus was developed by the Chinese as a biological basis in the laboratory of the Uhanny and leaked to the streets of the city.

He really has a crown
Alone is not at all similar to the one that the kings. The outer shell of the virus has small, thorough-shaped processes, in shape resembling a solar crown, for which the virus has a hoist name.

The first case is fixed in the city
FleshoFections began from the seafood market in the Chinese city of Wuhan in the provincehube. At the moment there were 2,714 cases of infection and 100-dimensional. Citizens of Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Canada, Germany, France, Canada and the United States were also victims of the virus.

The virus is transmitted from man to Kherekuka
Forexing the virus is similar to the usual cold. But, unlike her, dangerous scattering leads to a rapid damage to the lungs and other organs. In China, also confided the information that the coronavirus can be transmitted from man to Kherekuka, air-droplet. However, the main transmission of the epidemiology virus is still considered infected animal meat.

No vaccines
Nilent, neither vaccine against coronavirus has not yet exist. But in the US, Gong Kong and other countries are already actively working on the development of the anti-etched virus vaccine.

You can start prevention right now.
Kschastina, coronaviruses are unstable in the external environment. They are easily destroyed by approaching disinfectants. To minimize the risks of infection, follow the following rules: do not eat raw and poorly processed, avoid contact with animals and with people who have signs of colds, so often wash your hands.

Coronavirus healing
Dalone for each infected coronavirus can become a sentence. The 23-year-old Huang surname from the ill-fated city of Wuhan became the first patient who fully healing from the disease. At the moment, another 16 person has undergone from the virus.

The fight against the virus is deployed to dissociate
Hundreds of thousands of people in China that had contacts with contaminated persons, now quarantine placed. In a matter of days, scientists have been developed and implemented in action express tests that allow you to quickly detect the virus.

People with weak immunity die from the virus
Complications Heavy consequences The new virus causes people with a weakened immunity. The mining of the dead suffered by hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular and serious diseases.

Distribution threat level virusadas
Recently it became known that 2019-NCOV can be transmitted even in the incubation period. That is, when a person does not even suspect that he is sick. The incubation period lasts from 1 to 14 days. Such information makes us in the root reconsider our views on the scale of the impending epidemic.

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