What happens to your body after you refuse coffee: pros and cons

Coffee in the morning - the usual ritual for most people. But coffee has a reverse side. We understand what happens to your body when you decide to abandon caffeine.

Coffee in the morning - the usual ritual for most people. Aromatic, pleasant taste, this drink helps to cheer up and gives energy. But coffee has a reverse side. Excessive use leads to chronic insomnia, dehydrating the body, decrease in immunity and libido. We understand what happens to your body when you decide to abandon caffeine.


Normalizes Son.

Coffee, as you know, leads to the overexcitation of the nervous system. Hence the frequent problems with falling asleep. Coffee in principle is contraindicated to people suffering from insomnia. Refusing this drink, you will quickly fall asleep and get enough sleep. And, as a result, you will be much easier to get up in the morning. And no doping to raise the energy level you will not need.

Improved skin quality

The coffee contains a tannin that prevents the absorption of iron and some vitamins. And their drawback does not directly affect your appearance. Coffee rejection will also solve the problem with dehydration. By adjusting the water balance, you significantly improve the condition of your skin. She will cease to be dim, a fresh blush will appear, the bruises will disappear under the eyes.

Will decrease weight

Coffee negatively affects the operation of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland. Namely they respond in our body for metabolism. Caffeine slows down. It is likely that after the failure of coffee, your weight will decline.

Immunity will rise

We have already written that caffeine prevents the suction of many vitamins and trace elements. In turn, it may cause the imminent weakening. Even if you are not going to give up coffee forever, during illness, flu, or familiar ARVI, it is better not to abuse. So you will make much faster on the amendment.

Teeth will become whiter

Coffee is a strong dye. He paints his teeth in yellow. Failure to drink will definitely make your smile more beautiful!


A headache will appear

By abandoning coffee, you deprive your body of daily portion of adrenaline and dopamine. Instead, the hormone of adenosine, responsible for relaxation and fatigue begins to be produced in the body. Thanks to him you can feel a slight headache. And also irritability, dizziness, mood swings and even light symptoms of influenza. But do not despair. Such unpleasant side effects will last just a few days after refusing coffee.

Increases anxiety

As soon as your body understands that it was deprived of caffeine, you can start light panic attacks and anxiety. Due to the shortage of caffeine in the brain there is some chemical imbalance. That is why avid coffeemans are advised to refuse a favorite drink gradually, breeding a daily serving.

It will be difficult to concentrate

After refusing from coffee, it will be more difficult for you to concentrate attention and focus on work. And all because the brain stops receiving a daily feeding from dopamine and adrenaline. But do not be discouraged. A few days later you will feel much better.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: health / coffee
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