9 products from which you should never refuse to keep health

Believe me, to refuse these products is not even on the most rigid diet.

Eggs, legumes, liver, butter - these products have long been spoiled reputation. What is completely unfair, because they are valuable sources of nutrients for our body. We have prepared a list of common products, to refuse which it is not even on the most rigid diet.


Back in the 70s, the eggs hit a black list of nutritionists due to high cholesterol content. But over time, scientists find out that cholesterol contained in yolks is not "bad" and does not pose a threat to the body. Even, on the contrary, eggs advise to be used to prevent cardiovascular diseases. Choline and vitamins of group B in the composition of eggs have a beneficial effect on the work of the brain: improve memory and concentration.


Most of us exclude legumes from their diet due to the fact that they cause increased gas formation. But there is also good news. Those who eat legumes regularly, it disappears after a couple of weeks. Beans, Nut and Lentils are an ideal alternative to meat due to the increased content of vegetable protein. Beans also reduce cholesterol levels in blood and reduce blood pressure.


Nuts are a high-calorie product, so many refuse them in pursuit of the perfect figure. And in vain. Nuts - a powerful means of preventing heart disease. Unsaturated fatty acids, useful minerals and vitamins, in excess contained in their composition, have a beneficial effect on the state of the skin and hair. But you should not abuse this product. Only one handful of favorite nuts to saturate the body of the daily dose of nutrients.


Creamy oil is a rich source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These substances slow down the aging, protecting the body from ultraviolet rays. In addition, useful fats included in the creamy oil stimulate hair growth, lead to the skin tone and strengthen the nails. If you regularly use this product, your hair will become thick and silky, and the skin is tightened and shining.


Despite the fact that salmon is quite fatty fish, its regular use helps to normalize weight. The salmon includes omega-3 fatty acids responsible for the health of the brain and the nervous system. They effectively reduce the risk of developing depression. Just a couple of servings of this fish a week - and your mood is noticeably improved.


The smell of garlic scares many, but it is not necessary to be afraid of him. The main thing is to learn how to cook it. Baked or stew has a pleasant taste and unobtrusive aroma. Garlic is incredibly useful for the cardiovascular system, since normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood and reduces blood pressure. Also, the composition of garlic includes a substance of allicin - a powerful natural fighter with microbes.


Most of us prefer fruit. What about berries? They contain the minimum amount of sugar and calories. Blueberries, Raspberry, Strawberry, Blueberry, Cranberries - Record holders for the content of antioxidants, slowing aging and protecting the body from cancer.

Black chocolate

By the number of antioxidants, dark chocolate is ahead of even berries. Polyphenols provide the health of blood vessels and hearts, and theobromin and caffeine tone the body and stimulate the brain work. It is no coincidence that this product is included in the diet of climbers and astronauts. But it is worth remembering that only dark chocolate is considered useful with a cocoa content of at least 70%. To strengthen health, just a pair of chocolate cubes per day.


Liver rarely, who loves and, especially, is preparing regularly. But you do not need to completely refuse this product. After all, the content of vitamins of the group in the liver is the product number one product. These substances are necessary for us to normalize metabolism, mining hormones and neurotransmitters. Regular liver use will help you to lose weight and find a "clear" head.

Categories: Food and travel
Tags: health
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