Braid hair creations as a form of art

Who suspects if there are many ways to braid hair?

Braid hair creations as a form of art
6 effective ways to eliminate peeling skin

Skin often peel and cracks are indeed unpleasant, especially if the condition is severe like skin red, inflammation, or itching. It is usually caused by several things like the skin too dry, the weather is too cold and hot, or medical conditions.

6 effective ways to eliminate peeling skin
8 interesting facts of Desy Ratnasari, from artists to become a politician

8 interesting facts of Desy Ratnasari, from artists become politicians! What are there any facts?

8 interesting facts of Desy Ratnasari, from artists to become a politician
All that must be known about the eyebrow at home (waxing) at home

With the many salons that are closed, women everywhere are being forced to overcome their ferocious and wild eyebrows alone at home. This might be a bit scary if you have a more complex eyebrow shape, or if you are usually full of confidence going to the salon to make a wax in the eyebrows. These are our favorite eyebrow tipes from all time to save you from that bleached eyebrows.

All that must be known about the eyebrow at home (waxing) at home
9 ways to make salad fishing tastes

Salads may be the last thing everyone wants during this period of social restrictions, but nutritional intake is important to keep your body strong. Healthy food is also important for your mental health - Make your days more positive with one of these salads, which are made of unexpected materials that will arouse your taste.

9 ways to make salad fishing tastes
Just bored at home? Watch 8 The Most Interesting Korean Drama to Drive Boredom

How long have you been struggling to break the Covid-19 chain by continuing at home and supporting the Social DiStancing Action? It must have been enough, huh! Well, to overcome boredom, we will provide a list of the 8 most interesting Korean dramas that can entertain you.

Just bored at home? Watch 8 The Most Interesting Korean Drama to Drive Boredom
6 Secrets of Building Healthy and Happy Families

Building a healthy, happy and harmonious family is the dream of almost all humanity. Because the family is where we first learn everything. Then, how do you build and increase harmony and family happiness?

6 Secrets of Building Healthy and Happy Families
6 important tips for maintaining eye health that you must know

Healthy eyes are everyone's dream, no need to wear glasses, can see from a distance easily, so it's comfortable looking at my beloved people. Therefore, eye health is very important to be guarded. Then how do you improve eye health?

6 important tips for maintaining eye health that you must know
8 Facts About Indira Kalistha, Controversial YouTuber

Indira Kalistha, his name was recently in the spotlight because of the controversial saying from the mouth of the 25-year-old woman. Is Indira Kalistha?

8 Facts About Indira Kalistha, Controversial YouTuber
7 actress of the actor of super hero who is also a hero in real life

They are beautiful, strong, sensitive, emotional and very amazing in various ways. They become role models for young women and adults at once, give them inspiration to be better and try more optimally. Often women who play the character of the super heroes turned out to be awesome in real life.

7 actress of the actor of super hero who is also a hero in real life
Here's 8 body signs need sports more often

Sports are very important things to do by every human being, from adolescents to parents. If the body is less exercising, there will be some signs that arise from the body that must be for you to know. Because if you don't exercise and don't care about these signs, it can be bad for health.

Here's 8 body signs need sports more often
Catwalk dresses that look very unique on celebrities and different models

When talking about the upper class fashion, many people who see catwalk models and think "it will not look suitable to me". But what about the celebrities? You must be shocked, these catwalk dresses really really don't look the same to the celebrities.

Catwalk dresses that look very unique on celebrities and different models
8 interesting facts about coral Dita

Recently the Indonesian people were shocked by the presence of a beautiful girl from Indonesia named Dita Karang who joined the South Korean girlband. The beautiful woman was practicing hard to escape the selection and joined the South Korean music industry or better known as K-POP. What is the coral Dita?

8 interesting facts about coral Dita
11 ways to encourage shopping with you

Often when you shop, either yourself or with female friends, you might see a husband or girlfriend "abandoned" who sits in a waiting room with a cellphone in hand and waits for "suffering" it ends. However, no matter how minimal the similarity you both have in shopping, there are certain ways to create a shopping harmony between you and your partner.

11 ways to encourage shopping with you
8 Granola Recipe IDE for Breakfast

Granola is one of the easiest breakfast choices out there. It feels delicious, it can be made quickly and generally much more nutritious than cerela for breakfast which is only full of sugar and without other important nutrients. There are many granola in packaging in supermarkets and online shops, but we all know if you don't beat the recipe for home.

8 Granola Recipe IDE for Breakfast
8 easy tricks to relieve stress and anxiety

Anxiety is one of the largest diseases of modern humans and at the same time stress has become a daily companion from millions of people around the world. Why is that?

8 easy tricks to relieve stress and anxiety
10 things about pregnancy and births that are always shown in the film

People have many opinions about pregnancy and birth and not everything is true. Media can certainly not help in improving various stereotypes and myths and most films display the whole process very wrongly. Here are the various things about pregnancy and the process of having the most most presented children by the media.

10 things about pregnancy and births that are always shown in the film
8 ways olive oil strengthens your beauty amazingly

Olive oil is one of the greatest moisturizers that you can find and does not contain additional materials or any chemicals. You can use it as a hand cream, hair mask, part of facial care and even to detoxify your entire body!

8 ways olive oil strengthens your beauty amazingly
The twists and turns of Rizki Da and Nadya's wedding, a month marriage have been separated from the house!

We will discuss the twists and turns of Wedding Rizki Da and Nadya who are very shocking publicly!

The twists and turns of Rizki Da and Nadya's wedding, a month marriage have been separated from the house!
Divorce rates in China soared because of quarantine

Quarantine could be a rather new development in Europe and the US, but China has been struggling with this since last year and the people there have been trapped at home for a while. Many think this will produce a blast of birth rates for the country, because if you can't leave home, you might be busy, or spend free time to make a number of babies. But the reality seems far from optimistic words.

Divorce rates in China soared because of quarantine
The truth about the eyes of gray

Do you know if the gray eye turns out to be very rare and unusual? Today we will tell you the truth about gray eyes.

The truth about the eyes of gray
8 exciting activities that you can do when #Dirumahaja

Covid-19 outbreaks or Corona viruses make the most of the Indonesian population have to quarantine themselves at home. Even some workers must work from home or work from home. After a few weeks look at the wall and door frame, are you bored and the tired stay at home?

8 exciting activities that you can do when #Dirumahaja
8 Indonesian specialty foods that will spoil your tongue!

Every culture around the world has its own characteristics, but one of the things that characterizes a culture or nation is food. Indonesia which has diverse tribes and culture certainly has diverse foods.

8 Indonesian specialty foods that will spoil your tongue!
The reason why Corona virus is not a joke, even if you are young

Later, continued to popping information that said that young people would also be in serious risks if they contracted the disease - this epidemic was not a joke and the following was the reason.

The reason why Corona virus is not a joke, even if you are young
6 restaurants with the most beautiful view in Indonesia

If we usually take off hunger by visiting the suburban restaurant, this time you can enjoy delicious food while enjoying an amazingly beautiful view of the mountains, beaches, even the Indian Ocean!

6 restaurants with the most beautiful view in Indonesia
Husband and wife dressed pet turtles named Ethel, HEBOH INTERNET

Some people will dress their dogs or pet cats for entertainment on social media. The other seems to choose to dress up ... his turtle.

Husband and wife dressed pet turtles named Ethel, HEBOH INTERNET
6 simple ways to lose weight when #Dirumahaja

When at home, you are more susceptible to obesity or overweight because of limited activity. You prefer 'Mager' at home while watching favorite Korean drama. We will inform 6 simple ways to lose weight when you support government programs, namely #Dirumahaja because of the Covid-19 outbreak. Are you curious?

6 simple ways to lose weight when #Dirumahaja
6 tips for surviving love that will help you feel better

A feeling of happiness and returning to life without anxiety, sadness, and disappointment is the right of everyone, including you. In order to immediately pass through the heavy times after breaking up, here are 6 tips on defending love that will help you feel better.

6 tips for surviving love that will help you feel better
6 unique plants in the world

Starting from the beautiful to see the eyes until the appearance of his scary, all plants have their uniqueness.

6 unique plants in the world
6 makeup tips to appear younger

All women use makeup because they want to look dazzling, you are young, and outstanding. But how do you not choose the color and type of makeup wrong? Well, this time we will give 6 makeup tips so that you appear younger and beautiful.

6 makeup tips to appear younger