How to cook rice right

Fig is a delicious, important and useful product. It is used to prepare many dishes. In rice grains there are eight different vitamins and twenty-three nutritious minerals. And that it does not lose them during cooking, it is important to adhere to the rules and proportions.

Fig is a delicious, important and useful product. It is used to prepare many dishes. In rice grains contained various vitamins and twenty-three nutritious minerals. And that it does not lose during cooking, it is important to adhere to rules and proportions.

For many mistresses of takulinars-beginners to cook rice in the correct consistency - the task is not slightly. In this material, the most important tips and general information you need to be known in order to cook correctly.


Rice is distinguished by varieties and methods of processing. From these two factors will depend on the end result. Yes, to the present, if you need to get a crop rice (on the garnish, the pilaf) - the best looks long-grained. To get driven and adhesive rice (on a dove, sushi) - choose to cook crucible.

By way of processing rice is: white, steamed, brown and wild. The last two species are most useful because the smallest processing is found.


To as a result, it is necessary to rinse with cold water before cooking. It is better to do this several times until the water becomes transparent. Thus you wash the starch, which shrinks grains. For this process it is convenient to use a sieve.

If your goal is adhesive rice - no longer it is worth it.

In order for some types of rice cooked more - it can be soaked in water for 30-60 minutes.

Proportions and grain

Traditionally, the mistress is added to 1 glass of rice-2 water glasses, that is, 1 to 2. However, this widespread rule is false. It is better to measure the volume of water based on a rice variety.

  • for long grain - 1 to 1.5-2;
  • for a circular grain - 1 to 2.5-3;
  • for steamed - 1 to 2;
  • for brown - 1 to 2.5-3;
  • For wild - 1 to 3.5.

Measure water is better than a dimensional glass. Then it will be possible to avoid mistakes. By the way, one portion per person is 75 ml of dry matter.


To cook rice is better in a saucepan with a thick bottom, in which heat is distributed evenly. For some dishes, it is better to use breeding with a thick bottom, or a boiler. Today, imports are increasingly important.


First, you need to prove the salted water to the excavation, and after pouring on it. Mix rice is only required to make grain not stick to the bottom. When the dish again boils, reduce the fire of dominimum and cover the pan with a lid.

In the process of cooking, it should not be raised, because then the grains will be prepared longer.

If required that rice was crumbly, do not mind it (except the first time). Otherwise, grains will be cleared and to allocate starch.

Prepared a frying pan

Recommendation to use dishes from 24 SMDiameter, high sides and lid. Rice is preparing in it almost the same, how panels, with the exception of one nuance: the grain should be quick enough to smoke on oil. Do it for 1-2 minutes, constantly stirring that grains were shaken with oil: then rice will be crumbly. Then it should be poured with boar to prepare as described above.

Gaining time

The average time of cooking depends on the Virus:

  • for the white region - 20 min;
  • for a tropared rice - 30 min;
  • for combining rice - 40 min;
  • For wild rice - 40-60 minutes.


The taste of rice is very neutral. This is not bad, because it can be seeded and supplemented by other tanning ingredients. For example, it is ideally to rice grass. Also often add coriander, cumin, cardamom, saffron, and even cinnamon.

Among the groceries of rice - plases and sushi.

For the first - it is necessary to take a strong long-grained car, because it must be crumbly. For the preparation of the plow, the rice is separate, it is added to a boiler in a boiler with spices, meat, carrots and onions, it's all together without stirring.

To prepare sushi, it is better to choose a special feature in which an increased amount of starch. First, it should be thoroughly washed, boil and cook 15 minutes in a water ratio of 1 to 1. Then remove from the fire and keep in the heat (under the blanket, to just burn into a towel) another half an hour.

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