Discovery of a diamond by a German prospector by leading to a crucial

This story started a century ago when a German prospector fell on a diamond in the Namibian desert. It was nothing less than a miracle. From there on the r

This story started a century ago when a German prospector fell on a diamond in the Namibian desert. It was nothing less than a miracle. From there, the region has been named "Forbidden Territory". No need to say that this unexpected discovery missed the curiosity of all those who heard about them. A diamond company sent minors to the region of the region in search of diamonds. However, the real surprise took place a century later when a minor found a copper ingot. The territory concealed a huge treasure.

The prohibited area

Everything started in 1908. A German prospector made an unexpected discovery when he found a diamond in the Namibian desert. The region was then labeled as "prohibited territory". The incident was followed by the entry of the Germans into the desert in search of more diamonds. However, everyone knew that this mysterious desert concealed something more than that.

Mining their business

100 years in line and territory has seen a lot of mining by the Namibian government and the debanders of Diamond. They operated a common operation in the region. However, the German prospector did not know that the very place they probed hid an unimaginable mystery.

Large discovery

A minor while working found something unexpected buried inside the desert soil. Something that was out of sight for about half a millennium. The man was looking for diamonds when he stumbled on strange objects that did not look like diamonds but have great meaning. The discovery was done in April 2008.


The man was not sure what he had found when he was a spherical shape. It certainly does not look natural. Maybe the object was part of something bigger. Anyway, the object was very confusing. And he needed to know what was.

Copper lingot

The man finally understood that he was holding a copper ingot in his hand. Interestingly, the ingot had a tranquilled brand. Well, this unexpected discovery really stitched its interest and it started looking for more ingots.

The 16th century

If we believe experts, in antiquity, this ingot was used for the negotiation of spices in the Indies. It took place at the beginning of the 16th century. However, this hypothesis does not justify its presence in the middle of the desert. What did he do there?

Categories: Birth
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