6 most common problems in a relationship

It is very easy to make a mistake in your relationship, which is then very difficult to fix. Despite the fact that relations are a natural thing, very few people know how to actually behave with a partner and build relationships.

It is very easy to make a mistake in the relationship, which is then very difficult to fix. In spite that relations are a natural thing, very people know how to actually behave with a partner to tabble the relationship. We picked up-upright mistakes that have a lot of people knowing about which maybe be avoided a lot of insonnogens and tears

Not support your partner in a difficult situation

The time of time in the life of each person occur, which can be knocked out of the track: loss of work, health problems, death of a close person, etc. The difficulty of life of one partner is always the testing and for another. Obviously, it is necessary to exhibit support and charge the optimism of its satellite. And sometimes, instead of finding the forces for this - we begin to expose themselves and "rotate oils in the fire."

In this case, the black strip can also be accompanied by the partner itself in the partner, but whether it is capable of it possible to get out of a complicated situation. Therefore, instead of becoming a panic side, you need to believe it sincerely that troubles will end. Your support must be a support and stimulus to take in hand and overcome the test.

To think that problems will decide for oneself

Find the drive for mutual irritation, which is in long-term relationships, easy. Question, and how to react. The biggest mistake is that everyone is to pretend that nothing happens. At first glance, it is to hide his dissatisfaction or disagreement - it's safer, but it's Note!

If you can not frankly tell your device that you feel - you risk the confidence in yourself, but the most important trust in it.

The accumulated emotions sooner or later can "explode" a loud scandal. Psychologists argue if your in-time sincere confessions of the freightness is a small quarrel, there is nothing wrong. The conflict is a good tool for studying the needs of the andinternate partner world, deepening and strengthening relations. Without conflicts to achieve a deep understanding.

But you can say that you express your concerns necessary correctly: do not just criticize, but formulate specifically that it is to you.

Do not ignore the problems. Nonzenskind can appear in the area of ​​the unconscious. Samily understands that we are beginning to forget to the partner, fulfill his important request or avoid his presence. Therefore, if you suddenly disappear that such things begin to recover with you, it is worth thinking about their hidden reasons.

Attempt to please partner and do not give free space

Often the mask of care and sensitivity of the desire to control the emotions of the second half. In influencing the Pastner in one way or another, we prevent one's conclusions and learning their mistakes, and therefore develop.

Havepartner must have the right to choose their own decisions. Otherwise, you will just have a uncertain, emotional stable person. And in any further situation that will bring you balances, your partner will not be able to provide the necessary support, since it will not be capable of doing it.

Doubt, do not trust and continuously seek a trunk

It is impossible to doubt, checking the partner, to beware of any signs, think that you are not likely to have a trick. If such anxiety shows you too often, you risk losing stones.

Rich Thim that when you think different events development, make up a planning for the breakdown of relationships, will recognize your relationship with the negative and charging this Dumkovsky partner.

Doubting you are starting to look for excessive attention and confirming love from the side of your proper. It can scare.

Focusing Only on what it happens bad, on what does not like, you risk not noticing a good feature and benefits.

To divert their partner attention and think that he will not share anywhere

Implementation of relations We are increasingly taking partner's presence as partner. Pleasant little things that were performed by one at the beginning, gradually gradually, because now it is not necessary to get attention to the second half

Often, they stop noticing and appreciating their own only because they are accustomed to refer to them that they do not share anywhere.

The architect, this indicates that the studies become more mature. But this is a manifestation of indifference, which can be endangered.

Everyone has to put in the first place of children, to work anything else and explain the price list of arguments. But, a small surprise, a pleasant sign of attention, to strengthen relations that every day and lack of a lot of probation problems. Remember, nobody likes in the last place.

Strive for perfectness and adjust their partner to

Psychologistsvert, perfectionism - a charox. Especially when it comes to relationships between two people. After all, the desire to raise themselves and its soulmate to some imaginary, unrealistic bar will definitely lead to stress and disappointment. And when the reality is explained with expectations, they begin waves or prolonged silence.

Each one sees how the world is arranged. And the understanding of one person can not absolute exactly coincide with an idea of ​​the memory. This is absolutely normal, when the appearance partners have their point of view.

To avoid against the background of this conflict, you must realize that the world is multifaceted, variable and imperfect. As well as respect of his close man. False, as a rule, are not ideas and ideals, but attitude towards them.

Categories: Relationship
Tags: love
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