The band of the band Kazka called himself a Kviv man

Caming-out directly on the Atlas Weeken scene - so many Ukrainians remembered Melovin. After this event, the band of Kazka Alexander Zaritskov supported the artist's statement, saying that itself is a kud-man.

Kaming-out directly on the Atlas Weekend scene - so most Ukrainians remembered the performance of the Ukrainian singer Melovin, who presented Ukraine in Eurovision in Eurovision, occupying the 17th place. After this event, the band of Kazka Alexander Zaritskov supported the artist's statement, saying that itself is a kud-man.

What is Caming Out?

The concept of "Kaming-out" comes from the English expression "COMING OUT OF THE CLOSET", which is literally translated as "to get out of the closet." Therefore, "Kaming-out" means public recognition by a person of its sexual orientation. That is, every person who is publicly confesses in its sexual or gender affiliation, literally, comes out of a cabinet of stereotypes and fear.

Which of the famous people already did a rocking out?

The list of loudest rocking outs in the world at one time entered the recognition of British legends of Elton John's popups, teleisks and heads of the Kardashian family - Caitlin Jenner (in the past Bruce Genner), Miley Cyrus singers Cyrus, TV presenter Ellen Dejeneres, Ricky Martin, Actor Elliot Paige, Acters Kristen Stewart and Jody Foster.

Caming Out. from Melovin.

In early July, the singer Konstantin Bocharov, which is more famous under the nickname Melovin, carried out a rocking out directly on the Atlas Weekend scene. At the end of his performance, the artist kissed the girl first, and then a guy from her show ballet. After that, the singer turned to the flag of LGBT, thus saying that it belongs to sexual minorities and respects their rights and opportunities.

Read also:"I showed my essence": The popular singer Melovin has made a melt stone out

Why and how did Kazka band reacted

Oleksandr Zaritskaya and Konstantin Bocharov have long been familiar with each other. Therefore, shortly after a speaker statement, the singer, Sasha in an interview with the program "Second Life" supported the campaign-out of his colleague and said that the herself is a Kviv man. As it turned out, she knew that Kostya for a long time sought to declare his bisexuality publicly:

"Of course, I knew about his bisexuality, and I knew that he would make a step. I'm a memoranda, he thought how to do it. And without words, as we all have seen. I know that many people can not tell parents, nobody. Melovin is a very bold man. The more such bold people, the faster we will show that it's ok", - commented a singer.

That's what the singer stated for his belonging to the people:

"I am thinking of those who support prime, all minorities and people. I think of myself is quarrel. In general, Kviv-people are people, a bit non-standard in all manifestations of our culture. Therefore, this is such a soft part of our society, which must be taken and for which you need to stand, if necessary. "

Who are the following Kviv people?

Kviv-people is a prefabricated concept used to describe people who belongs to sexual minorities. As we see, this concept is very wide, which is why the news in the Ukrainian press about "its Kaming-out" Oleksandr Zaritska reacted on its own installation-page as follows:

"The people who are still a rocking out, are you serious? Carefully read what a quiver is. And don't stop me what I didn't say. "

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