6 reasons why men leaving even those women who sincerely love

Even in the most romantic relationships, the same point of non-return, after which a man says that he wants to go. The reasons for making such a decision may be a lot ...

Even in the most romantic relationships, the same point of non-return, after which a man says that he wants to go. There may be many reasons for making such a decision. And because there is a great man in love with a woman - a desire to go over the desire to stay and save a warm relationship.

Reason # 1: You have different goals and values

In the first months of familiarity and development of relations it seemed that you look together in one direction, but then it becomes clear that it is absolutely not. For example, he loves parties and extreme, and you are not at all ready to be involved in his hobby and do not approve such a choice. Or he dreams of creating a family and birth of the first time as possible, and you do not want radical changes in your life and the body for at least a few years.

Reason # 2: Communication between youalways on negativity

Originally everything was fine and then you started to quarrel constantly? Such a situation, unfortunately, shows that nothing positive relationships do not bring any female or husband. If in case of a frank conversation you can not reach a compromise or agree, and this is repeated constantly - this is the first alarm SOS signal, after which men seriously put the question:"Is I ready to endure these quarrels all my life?"

Reason # 3: A man feels that he is not valued

In order to understand the most important in men's psychology, - it does not need to deeply immerse it in a book of psychology. Truth on the surface - every man needs constant recognition and praise from its own. The man who love and appreciate, and often say that it is capable of larger achievement and deeds than the one that is constantly criticized by his beloved.

Reason # 4: You are trying to change it

Model your partner is an ungrateful and paint job that becomes the first crack in the foundation of your durable relationship. Unfortunately, sometimes they are doing the women who want their partner to be more attentive, strong or romantic. To try to change someone except herself, - in general, a big mistake, and men, as a rule, are rarely forgiven.

Reason # 5: You have changed yourself

Sometimes it is associated with the internal state of women, and sometimes - with external. For example, at the beginning of relationships, a woman painted her lips in red and loved wearing dresses in which it looked feminine and sexy. But then everything changed, and with this disappeared romance. So it is possible that a man can think about them to complete them.

Cause №6: You are successful than it

This reason is still controversial, but it would be senseless to deny it. In the world there are still men for which an important recognition and status. Therefore, sometimes when at one point there are a rapid success of a woman and a career failure of her elderly, - their pair can break up, because not every man is capable of surviving.

Categories: Relationship
Tags: psychology
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