8 benefits of using racin oil

The healing properties of "castor" were known during the time of the Egyptian queen. From her were prepared for therapeutic ointments and balms.

Ricinolaya - also known in the people as "Castelovsla" - a miraculous product that will be an innumerable amount of nutrient and cosmetic substances.

It is prepared from a poisonous plant of ricinus ordinary. To destroy the dangerous substances of its seeds are thoroughly cleaned press. Then treated with hot and filtered, so the poison istrolled.

The healing properties of "Castor" were known for the time of the Egyptian queen. From her medicinal ointment and balms.

With the development of real estate, ryinic oil became popular on the territory of India. Since then, India is a leader in production and sale of lycycin oil. In Ukraine it uses most in the cosmetic industry.

The supporters of the corporate medicine believe that Castorovaya should be in a home-made pharmacy. Yes, and in everyday life there are hundreds of applications.
The most widespread ones:

Improves the internal state of the body

The composition of the oil is rich and saturated with acids and vitamin E. Due to this, oil has the ability to display toxins from the body. With regular internal use, blood circulation and digestion system improves.

Improves the state of hair and skin

This is a real "magic wand" for girls and "pill" in solving many problematic issues. With a regular external application, the elasticity of the skin, hair follicles, and as a consequence of hair becomes more durable and thick. Often girls use oil as a means to accelerate the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes.

Struggling with cellulite

Regardless of age, in women often there is a so-called orange skin, or as they call an insulting word - cellulite. It is enough to lubricate the problem areas regularly and pigmented spots will disappear with cellulite and aligns a total tone of the skin.

Prevents aging

Ricin oil is a great tool for aging. Due to the unique acid composition, you can significantly improve skin condition and stop the aging process for 5-8 years. To do this, it is necessary to apply oil to problem sites of skin, do it regularly. Nutrients will penetrate deeply into the epidermis that will launch the process of skin rejuvenation.

Heal wounds

In the fight against burns of ricin oil there are no equal. It can also be handled cuts, bruises, treat small mornings and other skin damage that are badly healing. To do this, it is enough to apply a gauze bandage soaked with a stork, for 1-2 hours.

Helps to lose weight

Pretty unexpected, but indeed, so! The fact is that oil has the properties of diuretics, that is, expel all excess fluid from the body. This just enters a general decrease in body weight. No harmful effects have no such method, but it is necessary to take into account that it is necessary to start such a course only from the campaign to the dietitian's office.

Removes the voltage from the eyes

In the 21st century, when a person most of the day interacting with gadgets, a frequent problem is the inflammation of the eyes. To solve it is enough for 5 days to penetrate ricin oil - 1 time per day. Then pain, inflammation and dryness simply disappear without a trace.

Treats a corn

If there is a lot of physical work in life or just the skin over time became a rough and dry, on the legs appeared on the legs and cracks, you can help yourself with compresses with ricin oil. It's best to leave it all night so that the effect of oil was maximal.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: Castor oil
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