11 signs that it's time to divorce you

Life to live is not a field to go. Today we are happy and full of love, and tomorrow the heart is overwhelming despair, disappointment and doubt - did not hurry? Marriage is a constant job of two people. Often, through the routine, we do not hear your heart and ignore the signs that just scream: this is the beginning of the end, enough to postpone the decision. If you are constantly unhappy in relationships, it's time to do something.

Life to live is not a field to go. Today we are happy and full of love, and tomorrow the heart is overwhelming despair, disappointment and doubt - did not hurry? Marriage is a constant job of two people. Often, through the routine, we do not hear your heart and ignore the signs that just scream: this is the beginning of the end, enough to postpone the decision. If you are constantly unhappy in relationships, it's time to do something. We offer you to familiarize yourself with 11 signs that it's time to divorce how hard it was.

You rarely happen together

Children, Life, Shopping for home - You do everything, and most importantly you lack the time. If you began to notice that the date of the evenings - a long time in the past, it's time or to work on errors and fix it, or complete your relationship. There is no doubt: if you rarely happens two, you will be more and more moved from each other. If you do not spend time together, you do not know what happens to the partner. Ultimately lose emotional proximity that makes you in love with a couple. And then will be treason and overall cooling of feelings.

He annoys you (and you too)

When the feelings are faded, even the smallest disadvantages begin to be very annoying. This happens every day and becomes a constant stimulus. If you can not put up with this and your patience comes the end, you should think about divorce.

Together you are worse than alone

If you just can not wait for your husband to work or went for a business trip, and you feel good to breathe a glow of fresh air, it's time to beat anxiety. Indeed, you will be better.

Your evenings-Game in silence

It does not like the feeling of lovers at all, which is just good to silence. Your silence seems endless. Everyone is deepened into their thoughts and experiences. Loss of common topics leads to the loss of common goals and views for the future. And why be together if you no longer see yourself next to years?

No harmony in intimate life

If there are no psychosexual or medical contraindications in a pair, a lack of sex usually signals more profound problems in relationships. If you have already tried to set up a situation, but the result does not satisfy, this is a bell that can not be ignored.

You hide your true "I"

Being married does not mean, lose yourself. However, if you constantly have to filter yourself or keep your beliefs away from the man, will not be enough for a long time. Along with your beloved you should be as comfortable as possible.

You exaggerate your life in social networks

To think that you do not live life your dreams, but only create a public illusion, help the social network. Strangle if you or your partner suddenly begin to exaggerate your life in social networks, it may be an attempt to hide the truth. Permanent sense of necessity to show the world, how good your relationship, when in fact, it may not be a sign that your marriage collapses.

You stopped feeling gratitude

An anxious sign of a short crash of marriage can be what you stopped to appreciate everything that a sweetheart is doing for you. If daily attention and great deeds you only cause negative feelings, specialists advise not to torture either itself, no partner. Perhaps, along with another man you can feel happy.

You have a relationship with another

This item says for himself. If another man reigns in your thoughts for which you dare to betray, it means no divorce. It's just dishonested in relation to whom you promised to spend the rest of your life.

You ignore the problem

When you are morally "matured" to divorce (although you can not be aware), you are no longer interested in relationships, and therefore simply ignoring the problem that is in your marriage. Indifference kills any hope.

You constantly think you are worth you from husband

Specialists say that when you mentally we will already weigh "for" and "against" to get away from her husband, then the answer is obvious. A person who is happy in marriage, such dilemmas is not set. And this means that you are somewhere in everywhere, just not ready to voice it. If there are no ways to save these relationships, maybe you should not spend your time and husband?

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