9 tips how to keep the skin healthy and well-groomed in winter

Even mild winter is a stress period for your skin. From too dry through heating the air to the lack of sunlight - its condition and the appearance affects everything. Fortunately, it's not so difficult to compensate for the negative impact of winter. Here are simple tips that help you take care of the skin and enjoy the winter season.

Even in winter is a stress period for award skin. From too dry, the air is a lack of sunlight - on its condition and the appearance affects. Fortunately, to compensate the negative influence of winter is not so difficult. Here are simple publications that will help you to take care of Prankhira and enjoy the winter season.

Use air humidifier

Almostes suffering in winter through dryness. The reason, as a rule, lies in an intensifying work of heating, dehydrated skin and deprives its natural elasticity. Processing can be used with the air of air. Large assortment Models will help you choose suitable for your premises. If buying machinery is not included in your plans, please buy a few large-room plants or hang in a tissue tissue. Useful for leather Equacy of moisture indoors from 60% a spare.

Do not abuse the hot shower

In the cold season, he especially pulls to sleep under warm water. In fact, too long hot shower is not useful even in frost - it does not moisturize, but dries the skin, and if the skin has already affected frost, then can and injure it. If in the soul your skin is blushed, then the water temperature you are using is hanging. Use at room temperature in the shower, or a bit warmer, and restrict the time that is carried out under jets.

Use winter cosmetic products

Even if your common moisturizing the cream is perfect, do not forget that in winter, except moisture, important is the protection. Light summer formulones can always cope with challenges. If you plan a long time in the open air at a minusemperature, do not forget about a special creme. If you are engaged in winter sports, try to cover a mask or scarf.

Make changes to the routine of your care

Throughout, it is desirable to use intense views in the evening when you are already planning to leave the house. Curry can expand the pores and makes a skimmercase more vulnerable, for such conditions, the cold may be more dangerous than usual. Do not forget to regularly loop the skin, in particular, the skin of the rumbles, which are particularly sensitive to dryness of temperature reduction. Put Kremdl Hands and Lip Balsam for your assumption and use them 4-5 times over.

Protect from the Sun.

Despite the fact that in the winter of the sun we almost do not see, the harmful ultraviolet continues to be negative on our skin even the clouds. Therefore, do not postpone yours to protect from the sun in the drawer, in the same month it is also needed by the skin. Do not forget to bring superior to home, especially if youplain long walks.

Dress according to the season

To prevent the dry skin of the body is much easier if you want to wear enough warm clothes. But not only the temperature regime matters. During the winter, try to dress in such a way that the tight layer of clothing was made of natural fabrics, prefer breaths that breathe. Bad ventilation and close clothing from synthetics can cause irritation.

Drink water

And heating, and cold dehydrate skin. It can moisturize it not only with cosmetic or technical means, but also with simple drinking water. Subvert a lot of fluid! In winter, it's not like to drink like in the summer, so use tracker or reminders in order to not forget to drink your norm for a day.

Correctly eat

On the cold days, it is much more drawn to greasy and heavy food. This can not help affect the condition of the skin. For healthy and well-groomed skin, do not forget about a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits (for a clamament) and fish (for healthy fatty acids). In winter, the body is weakened, so a full diet will help your skin, and general self-skill.

Under needs take vitamins

Winter skin problems are often caused by a lack of vitamins, in particular vitamin D, which, in turn, caused by the lack of sun. Due to less diverse nutrition, other deficits can worry. Pick up appropriate analyzes and find out the doctor or do not miss anything, if so, drink the relevant course of vitamins.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: Leather care
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