Dr. Fauci says Zuckerberg: We have to "reset" COVID-19 reopinitions
The infectious disease specialist sat down with the Facebook founder to discuss COVID-19.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, member of the Coronavirus working group and the country's first expert on infectious diseases, sat down with the Facebook Facebook Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday during alive chat On Facebook to discuss COVID-19 - and the end of the end. "We have a serious situation now," said Fuci. Click to see what he thinks we have trouble hurt - and why we need a "reset".
On the trajectory of the United States being worse than other countries

Zuckerberg said "personally, I think we have to take this more seriously" and that our decisions must be guided by "science". He thanked the doctor and requested his point of view on why the US response was lower than effective. Hold Fuci: "It's a mixed bag. There are regions of the country that goes well - the northwestern zone was very difficult. There was a period of time when 50% of deaths were just in New York. They have come back right now. However, Florida, Arizona, Texas has seen overvoltages that are really quite disturbing. Surges that have reached 60,000 cases a day. It's something we need to address in a very convincing. "
On how it came out of control

There is "a complicated answer to that. When you look - and I will not name any specific state - when you look at the guidelines for opening, turn off and delimit what should be done, but citizens of the state Or the city had the impression that you went to lock to put caution to wind. What we saw were clips of people gathering with bars without masks, do not stay distanced, in the crowd, and c I think at least a part of the explanation of why we saw surges rise. "
Why he thinks we need a "reset"

"If you look if you have things had been done perfectly, it should have been wherever you were - in a state or a city, you could judge where you should be. When I say a reset button, I mean, I mean, Let us call an hour. Get together. Because when you are in a situation where you jumped on one of the checkpoints, you must think about removing it and making progressive re-entry in normality so as to comply. Guidelines. If in fact you are in that, you really need to pay close attention to your citizen who understands the importance of following these guidelines.
On how states can reset
"I would recommend as hard as possible so that people can wear masks. To avoid crowds. To keep the distances. Outside always better than from the inside. When you talk about the type of recommendations, it's this that you have to do. That's what you need to do. We've been done. You must go back and release what we do and sound. There has been this unusual and important state of mind of: "You must follow the public health measures and you need to get the return economy. And these are two opposing forces. 'As I said so often, we should consider public health measures as a bridge to open the country to Nouveau - not like the obstacle, but the bridge. Then I firmly believe that we can transform that into the southern states and prevent it from the states that try to open. "
On how we compare to European countries

"The other thing that is important is the comparison with other countries ... than when you have examined what happened in the European countries, when they had their peak, and they shut up they locked 90 to 95% of the country voluually locked. So, they are mounted and then went down to Baseline - I mean literally handles new cases, 10, 20 and 30 years old, not hundreds or thousands of dollars. The United States as a whole, we have never really descended at the base. We have traveled to 20,000 cases each day until we entered the resurgence that reached 30, 40, 50 and 60. So we have to group up, call an hour, not necessarily locking, but we owe the Make more measured. If we do not do that, other states can see the same thing. "
Why his tips on masks have changed

"When you are dealing with something that changes in real time, it is the nature of science. As the information changes, you must be flexible enough and humble enough to change how you think of things. One of things We are currently highlighting a situation that has changed is our insistence on the port of masks. The masks are very important. They protect you to give someone else infection. If you are inadvertently affected, he there are such important cases that are not symptoms. Someone at any time could be infected and feel perfectly fine. So you have a responsibility. Now, earlier when we were in a situation on the lack of Personal protective equipment for those who have burned, we thought we were missing masks for them. It became clear that we had enough of the equipment. It became clear that fabric coatings were ad. equates. And it became very clear that 20 to 45% of people did not have symptoms - you could extend asymptatically. Put all these things together and that has evolved us. "
How can you stay healthy where you are

To stay healthy, follow the tips of Dr. Fauci: Wear your face mask, wash your hands frequently, avoid crowds, practice social distance, monitor your health and cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

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