Category: ETNT Mind+Body

The surprising exercise you stop after 60 years, say experts
If you are not conditioned for a long distance race, it can end up doing more harm than good.

Why be positive all the time is bad for your mental health
That's why it's important to live with your negative emotions.

5 ways to help your dog live a longer life, says expert
A tour of dogs from any age can learn? How to be healthy.

More than 60 years? Here's what lifting weights twice a week to your body
"The force of force twice a week is perfect. Once is a waste of time. "

Why you should not jump from the exercise after 60 years, says a new study
Or at any age, about it. The new science reveals what sweating more is suitable for your brain.

Secret tips that make your life better after 60 years, says science
Small tips that go a long way to your happiness after 60 years.

How many times you have to exercise to get in shape, tell experts
Regardless of your fitness goals.

A new study reveals a major side effect of staying busy after 60 years
Who knew that keeping a busy schedule was so good for you?

Laid side effects of coffee drinking each day, according to the Mayo Clinic
Alarming signs You should not drink more than four cups of coffee a day.

Another side effect of walking every day, says a new study
You want to think better, more clearly and more creatively? Science says you should move more to start now.

The way forward to get in shape in just 12 minutes a week, said a study
Why less can be more in terms of high intensity intervals formation.

These foods can make Covid-19 vaccine less efficient, says a new study
Your weight can influence your body's response to vaccines. Avoid that these foods are healthier now.

This easy tower to "fall asleep in 5 minutes" VA viral
A Tiktok user says this mental thing has changed his life.

5 weight loss training that the best coaches swear by
Curious What fitness-shaped experts do secretly to lose weight? Keep reading to find out.

Do it a stretch every day for a more stressless life, say experts
Here's why target your shoulder tension can help you live a more Zen existence.

Never do these things on an empty stomach, says science
Human beings are by definition irrational. But hungry human beings? Even more irrational.

A major red flag that you are a narcissus, says a new study
A new NYU study seeks to redefine our fundamental understanding of narcissism.

Long-term side effects of not exercising
If you have adopted a sedentary lifestyle over the past year, here's why you should change your habits.

A popular exercise that can cause sustainable damage to your back
The Foretlift is a wonderful and all-purpose lifting, unless you mistaken badly.

Do this while walking helps you to beat stress, say experts
Here's why more therapists choose to walk with their customers.

Crazy things your stress made to your body, say the best experts
The suffering of too much stress affects your body so that you probably never know.

This sleep habit doubles the risk of early death among women, said a study
Here's how "unconscious" night can lead to serious health problems.

The secret turn to catch a liar every time, let's say to psychologists
Find successfully disappointments requires you to make the liar try to lie more.

Ugly mistakes that you should not do when making pumps, says the top coach
This is one of the simplest exercises you can do. But that does not mean that you necessarily do it well.

This $ 4 Walmart solar screen is the best you can wear, declares consumption reports
Their 2021 solar rankings are here and an affordable lotion of Walmart Tops the list.

An incredible side effect to shout at the top of your lungs, said a study
Scientists learn why positive cries are in fact complex forms of social link.

The dangers of taking a virtual fitness class, say experts
Working in front of your computer is all rage. Here are some risks to know.

The secret reason for which you have never done anything, say psychologists
To overcome procrastination, you do not need the list of things to do. You must practice more self-compassion.

Stroll to lose weight with this incredible 20-minute walkout workout
Perhaps the best of all: you can make this fast routine in your own living room.

What happens to your body when you walk more, says science
Here's how the walk helps your brain, your heart, your muscles and your sense of welfare.