The surprising exercise you stop after 60 years, say experts

If you are not conditioned for a long distance race, it can end up doing more harm than good.

There is a lot of reasons to continue moving well beyond your 60th anniversary. Regular exercise of old age helpPreserve cognition, improve balance and prevent bone loss-Just to name some advantages. In fact, arecent study Even indicates that when we exercise, a specific hormone is released by the muscles in the blood. From there, the hormone goes to the brain where it helps the "supercharge" neurons, offering a serious brain boost. The researchers say one day the hormone can be developed as a form of Alzheimer's treatment.

With all these advantages in mind, many older adults are inclined to hit the soil running with new and intense routines of exercises and ideas. While intense training sessions seven days a week are an admirable idea of ​​fitness in theory, it is also important as the exercisers over 60 to work around their personal bodily limitations. For example,The Mayo Clinic Advises that seniors living with conditions, including heart disease, arthritis, diabetes or high blood pressure, consult their doctor before starting a new training regime.

In addition to talking with a doctor, seniors' exercises choose to engage must also be carefully chosen. According to Leann Poston, M.B.A., M.ED.,Medical vibifierElderly should prioritize exercises that strengthen bone density, improve balance and add muscle mass. In addition, it is great enough to start slowly. If an older individual is new to weightlifting, it should "start with light weights or even soup cans and increases the possible weight," she says.

There is another major form of exercise exercises causing a new fitness chapter should consider avoiding - especially if it's something you're not well conditioned to do - and he is sure to surprise many readers. Considered a pillar of personal fitness for a long time, this exercise can end up doing more harm than good for people over 60 to improve their health. Read more for more information, and for more exercise tips for people over 60, do not missSecret tips to get a lean body after 60 years, say experts.


Do not really run long distances seriously


Exercise is supposed to make aging easier, not more difficult. Unfortunately, running places a lot of tension on the joints and bones - two body areas that are usually hurting a lot of seniors. Osteoarthritis, or the deterioration of joint cartilage, is themost common form of arthritis in the elderly-And Running with osteoarthritis is known to cause increased articular pain.

"Injuries take longer to heal in the elderly than young adults"Justus Ortega, A kinesiologist and director of the Biomechanical Laboratory of the University of Humboldt State, saidU.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT. "Further, you expose yourself to more risks of bones or muscle injuries."

Steve Stonehouse, a USATF certified race trainer and director of education forStride, Suitable - especially as it concerns the first thing during the morning. "The people of their older years may want to avoid running the first thing in the morning, especially if they are not always a runner. That does not mean that you can not train you to run, but you Wake up and running on the roadway without much prerequisite or warming properly can have a lot of impact on your joints. "Are you more than 60 years old? Make sureYou do not make these exercise mistakes, say experts.


Walk in the spot

Mature couple holding hands on a walk in the park in summer

Instead of an intense race, Stonehouse suggests older fitness beginners for a light walk or jog. "EC doing on a treadmill can also help lighten part of the impact of the race outside," he adds.

The walk may not feel as much as an accomplishment like an intense race, but it is a "long term" much smarter in terms of personal fitness, especially if you are fast on foot. You are much less likely to hurt you or constrain something while walking, making it a better long-term option.

"The race can be superior in terms of time management and weight loss, but many people find the walk more comfortable, pleasant and therefore more durable," Australian OlympianJemima Montag, who won the gold medal at the 2018 Commonwealth Games and arrived 6th in the 20 km of 20 km from the Olympic Games this year in Tokyo, recently saidETNT MIND + BODY. "The walk is associated with a risk of lower injury and, in the end, a pleasant walk every day is more productive than being a difficult race and to be extinguished for months."

In addition, the old Olympic long distance runnerJeff Gallowayconsiders the promenade of a superior exercise than to run. Why? Our body has literally evolved to walk, do not run. "According to a lot of research, our ancestors are very little crowned," he explains in a recent interview withPrevention. "We have been especially designed in the evolution to be long distance walkers."

A regular walking habit Also favors longer life, robust heart health and a strong skill of thought among seniors.


Work your way

Sporty woman training on walking treadmill at home, closeup

Execution is not always out of bounds for older adults. What is most important to work up to a strong runtime as opposed to sprinting out of the door. "Build your stamina and your intensity over time. Work with a coach if you can through a center or a senior gym. Or join a walking or hiking group," says Ortega. " If you arrive at a point where you feel like you if you want to try to run, start with small increments and consult your doctor before you start. "

In addition, the elderly who seek to start running may want to try to do it on a dirt surface on the road. "The trails withdraw a lot of stress of the impact you would normally be running on more difficult surfaces", "Scott Levin, Mr.D., an expert in sports medicine and an orthopedic surgeon, saidRider's world. "Some of the forces that would normally be transmitted from the road to the ankles, knees, shin and hips are dissipated when the foot strikes the ground on the trails because there are some."


Also: work on your calves

walking on treadmill

Mixedweak and tight calves With a regular race is a disaster recipe and often leads to naughty injuries such as veal shooters. When we run on weak calves, it placesToo much pressure on Achilles, which can lead to the ventilation of tendinous fibers and possible Achilles tendinitis.

Before leaving for a walk or race, make sure to make calf sections. It is also a good idea to incorporate muscle strengthening exercises from the leg into your resistance training routine. mostStretch consists of standing in front of a wall with one foot in front of the other while lightly folding the knee before. Keeping your right rear knee and your heel on the floor, make me lose weight towards the wall. You should feel a remarkable stretch throughout your calf muscles. Hold about 30 seconds, then repeat your other side. And for more good fitness advice, do not miss thatA changing lifestyle tower for people over the age of 60, say experts.

Categories: ETNT Mind+Body
Tags: aging / Cardio / exercise
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