The secret reason for which you have never done anything, say psychologists

To overcome procrastination, you do not need the list of things to do. You must practice more self-compassion.

We have all been there. Work times are imminent, the list of things to do is the balloon and the clock begins to check so hard that you can hear it virtually, but we continue to scroll new clothes online, running our thumbs onInstagram, ESPN cruise for sports scores - ALL DURING OURAnxiety and stress Start up.

It is the procrastination, the old age to put things to put things, and what makes it so insidious in our daily lives is that we are aware of it, say to psychologists. "It's autonomy"Steel pillars, Ph.D., professor of motivation psychology at the University of Calgary, once explained toThe New York Times. "That's why we say that procrastination is essentially irrational"Fuschia SiroisPh.D., professor of psychology at the University of Sheffield, added in the same article. "It does not make sense to do something you know how to have negative consequences."

But according toResearch by Timothy A. Pyckyl, Ph.D., Expert in Procrastination at Carleton University, Canada - as well as other experts from procrastination, there is one thing you need to do to start taking action against your Procrastination to beat her once for the battery. And it has nothing to do with your task list or workflow. Learn more for more, and for more fascinating psychology of the human mind, check whyMen who wear these clothes are more likely to cheat, says a new study.


Why exactly we tergive

Bored Tired Girl Working From Home on Her Laptop. Remote worker procrastinating and being bored in front of PC

According to Pychyl, people do not procrastinate to really avoid the task by hand. They try to avoid "associated negative feelings" with this task.

"I argue that procrastination is an answer adapted to emotions," he writes. "We use avoidance to deal with negative emotions. For example, if a task makes us feel anxious, we can eliminate anxiety if we eliminate the task - at least in the short term. The key relationship here is that emotions are that emotions Negative is causal. Our procrastination. "


This creates a vicious circle

Shot of a young woman suffering from depression in her bedroom

Let's say you have something that supports you need to do and you redoubling doing it. So, you are browsing and set the task aside because you avoid negativity associated with this task. Although you are good at first, you launched the bobbin in the road, you actually started a vicious cycle, where you then create a blame, stress, anxiety and favor feelings of low esteem. All this actually leads toFollowing procrastination.

"This is precisely why procrastination tends not to be punctual behavior, but a cycle that becomes a chronic habit", observes theNY TIMES. And for more psychology news, see here forThe incredible side effect of shouting at the top of your lungs.


You must focus on your emotions - not the task

happy woman after a workout

In a study published last year in the newspaperAnxiety stress and adaptationNew Jersey College's researchers seemed deeper in the relationship between feelings and procrastination in a study of students who probel and discovered that negative feelingstoday were actually a predictor of the procrastination oftomorrow. Researchers also note that we have taught bad things to overcome procrastination, such as the implementation of productivity hacks. We should instead focus on our emotions.

"Promote the acceptance and tolerance of negative emotions between college students could help students better regulate [negative affect] ... and, in turn, improve their productivity," says the study.



woman sad on the mountain

How can you focus on your emotions? You can practice more self-compassion. TheNY TIMES History References A study published in the newspaperPersonality and individual differences This found that students who forgive themselves for themselves for their fairly traded procrastination later. Another study, published in the newspaperSelf and identity, found that those who can not only have higher levels of stress, but also very low tests in the category of self-compassion.

Other studies Note that improved feelings of self-compassion lead to a number of amazing benefits. "Not onlyreduce psychological distress, that we know now is a primary culprit for procrastination, but also activelystimulates motivation,Improves the feelings of oneself and promotesPositive emotions as optimism, wisdom, curiosity and personal initiative, "writes theNY TIMES. "The best of all, self-compassion requires nothing external, just a commitment to meet your challenges with greater acceptance and kindness rather than rumination and regret."

So look at any task in front of you and imagine the positive. Be more kind to yourself and honest with your feelings. If the task is boring, do not boot the task to avoid these feelings. Just recognize: "It's really boring that I have to do it, but it will only take 10 minutes and I'll feel much better then." Trust: You will do it. And for more information on connecting your mind and your body, see here for The most effective way to work every day, according to psychologists .

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