These foods can make Covid-19 vaccine less efficient, says a new study

Your weight can influence your body's response to vaccines. Avoid that these foods are healthier now.

Passscientific studies have concluded that the only thing that makes any less efficient vaccine - if you talk about a vaccine for influenza, hepatitis B, rabies or other conditions - is a patientobesity. According toKaiser FoundationIt is largely because of the impact of excess weight on the immune response of the body. "A healthy immune system transforms inflammation on and off as needed, calling white blood cells and sends proteins to combat infection," explains the organization. "Harnessed vaccines This inflammatory response. But blood tests show that obese people and people with related metabolic risk factors such as high blood pressure and high blood sugar levels have a state of chronic light inflammation ; inflammation lights up and stays on. " In other words, the vaccine does not work too.

To worsen things,Several studies have shown that those who suffer from obesity are among the most affected by severe complications resulting from COVID-19. "As the [body mass] increases," the CDC frankly stipulates "the risk of death of Covid-19 increases."

But, according to a new study conducted by researchers from Ohio State University and published in the magazineAdvance Social Sciences & HumanitiesThere are things you can do to start your body on the vaccine from now. "Although we were waiting for our turn to get vaccinated against Sars-Cov-2, we could - ourselves - and should probably use the time to ensure that we bring our healthiest and their physical person to treatment ", Say the researchers of the state of Ohio. Their study examined 49 previous vaccine studies conducted over the last three decades.

According to their analysis,stress is a major factor with respect to theHealth of your immune systemAnd it is important that people who have not yet taken the vaccine take steps to better control their "disturbed routines and their social life" that can define healthier behaviors.

"The power to make improvements that give us the best chance for a healthy response to the coronavirus vaccine is almost completely in our control," concluded researchers. "Managing stress by exercise and mindfulness meditation, sleep enough sleep, leave or limit tobacco consumption ... -Even in the short term, just about at the time of vaccination - could influence the way our body responds, the evidence suggests. "

The research team stresses that your diet also plays a major role. If you want to improve your overall health before vaccination to maximize your body's response, you need to adopt a higher diet in whole food filled with fiber and drinking more water daily - and certainlyAvoid the following foods we listed below as best you can.

After all, as the fan of Shenggen, the President and the Dean of the Academy of the World Economy and Food Policy of the Agricultural University of China, have recently wrote in awidespread editorialIt is known for directing a sedentary lifestyle and eating "ultra-transformed foods with high fats", which could affect obesity, which could affect the way your body responds to the vaccine COVID-19. So read it, and for more tips to eat more healthy to start now, be sure to read our complete list of100 worst food on the planet.


Sugary drinks

soda in glasses

"The optimal intake of these drinks is zero", Vasanti S. Malik, SCD, research scientist at Harvard T.H. School of Chan Public Health, once saidThe New York Times. "They do not have health benefits."

If you are not aware, theinsidious side effects to drink too much soda and other sweet drinks includesweight gain, upperrisk of diabetes,caries,excess fat around your median,articular pain,Renal health problems,risk of greater heart disease,higher cholesterol,bad healthHormonal problems (mainlywith regard to leptin, your hunger hormone),memory loss,dehydration,hair loss,blocker, andan increased risk of death-For name a few.


Processed foods

cereal aisle at grocery store

Processed foods are defined as "the food that has been modified or made a little different from its natural form" by treatment of the plant, explains Torey Armul, R.D., a spokesman for theAcademy of Nutrition and Dietary (AND). "Very transformed foods tend to be made of too much erroneous ingredients, such as white flours, white sugars andunhealthy fats. And they tend to have additives that increase fat,sodium, andsugar levels to increase life or palatability. "

Among the worst delinquents are potato chips, donuts, cereals covered with added sugars and white bread.


Energy drinks

Energy drink

Like Chris Fernandez, B.S., CPT and CEO ofHealth of interactive womenWe told it once, the energizing drinks might be one of the worst choice you can do. "They are filled with stimulants such as caffeine and the derivatives resembling the ephedrine who overload your adrenal glands, make you depend on" energy "and top excrement, combine it all with a good dose of sugar, from Conservatives and artificial colors and flavors, "he said." Do not drink them. Not."


fast food

fast food

fast food is highly transformed and filled with additional sugars, greases and salt. Tehzeb Lalani, founder ofScale beyond the laddersays that "extremely mediocre quality ingredients are used to reduce the costs and fast foods are high in salt, fat and sometimes even conservatives".


Alcoholic beverages

Man relaxing with bourbon whiskey drink alcoholic beverage in hand and using mobile smartphone

In a 2018 study that linked alcohol consumption related to early death which was published in the journalThe lancetThe authors noted: "Our results show that the safest level of drink is not." As we pointed out, theDangerous side effects of alcohol drinking every day There are many and include weight gain, as well as a higher risk of heart disease, a higher risk of infertility, osteoporosis, liver damage and prolonged speech. And even if you are a moderate drinker, be sure to avoidThe most dangerous alcoholic drink for your body, according to experts.

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