Why you should not jump from the exercise after 60 years, says a new study

Or at any age, about it. The new science reveals what sweating more is suitable for your brain.

Globally, there isabout 50 million people Living with dementia today. Each year, about 10 million new cases are documented and estimated that in the year 2030, this number will reach 80 million. By 2050, 152 million people suffer from a form of dementia.

The most common variety of dementia isAlzheimer's disease. Of the 50 million victims of dementia mentioned above, 60 to 70% were diagnosed with Alzheimer. This progressive neurological disorder is infused for its ability to fly individuals from their very identity. It is a frightful state, characterized by loss of lifelong memories, a reduced reflection capacity, personality changes and an overall disability to operate independently.

Now, if you want to strengthen the protections of your brain against dementia, we have known for some time that a coherent exercise schedule benefits the brain as much as the body. For example, this study published inNeurotaus Found that the exercise really raises the creation and maintenance of new neurons in the hippocampus, considered as the "memory control center" of the mind.

More specifically, there are also scientific reasons to believe that exercise helps prevent Alzheimer specifically. An in-depth review of ten studies encompassing more than 23,000 people published inProcedure of the Mayo Clinic concludes that more active people are much less likely to develop Alzheimer's alzheimer than those who have led a widely sedentary way of life.

Nevertheless, the exact way of how the benefits of the brain of the exercise remained mysterious so far. Revolutionary new research ofGeneral Hospital of Massachusetts Published inMetabolism of nature, while preliminary, reveals what is happening in the brain on a molecular level when we break sweat. Read more about the secret cognitive effect of the exercise. And for more harvesting the benefits of exercise in your older years, checkExercise that best suits Alzheimer's beating.


A useful hormone


Scientists report that when we exercise our muscles creates more irisin hormone (named after God's Greek Iris). When creating, Irisin goes to the brain where he stimulates both the health capacity and overall functioning of neurons. This causes an improved thought ability and a memory. The authors of the study even go so far as to say that Irisin leads the cognitive advantages of the exercise. In light of these conclusions, they believe that irisin can be useful as a form of treatment of the therapeutic Alzheimer's disease.

"The preservation of cognitive function is a major challenge in a population of more aging," said Christiane Wrann, DVM, PhD, leader of the program in strategy in the exercise of the MHM. "Exercise is known for having positive effects on brain health, which is why identify key mediators of these neuroprotective advantages, such as Irisin, has become an if critical goal of research."

This research was performed in mice, but the conclusions organized both healthy rodents and mice diagnosed with the Alzheimer rodent version. It is important to note that humans and mice produce irisins in response to exercise. For big exercises, you can do, see these5-minute exercises for a fast flattened stomach.


The research

woman doing spin workout at night

The authors of the study raised a group of mice unable to produce Irisin. Then they brought another group of normal mice and set the two cohorts with a wheel on the move. After a few days of cardio, normal mice showed a marchoning of improvements on a series of cognitive tests, however, the impaired rodents of irisin have not known any significant cognitive boost.

When the research team further examined rodent brains, they discovered that even irisin deficient mice, actually produce new neurons in response to the exercise. But - and it is a big but-the new neurons of rodents without Irisin show a lot less synapses and dendrites, which are essential to inter-neuronal communication. In other words, these new brain cells will not be as cognitive as if Irisin was involved.

Where were these new neurons? The hippocampus, which has just been one of the first brain areas affected by Alzheimer's disease.

When researchers used chemicals to artificially provide some irisin with deficient rodents, all ages mice showed immediate cognitive improvements. In particular, even irisin-deficient mice with an Alzheimer rodent form performed better on cognition and memory tests. In addition, the mice diagnosed with dementia have even shown signs of reduced cerebral inflammation, which is also beneficial in terms of loss of memory.


Cross the blood-cerebral barrier

two men jumproping outside hiit workout

When mice without irisin have been injected with part of the hormone in their blood, the irisin did not take long to appear in their brain. This confirms that the irisin can cross the blood-cerebral barrier and interact directly with brain cells. "What makes this study particularly strong is that we show the effect of irisin on cognitive function in the non-one but four models of different mice," explains the co-author of Bruce Spiegelman of Dana -Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School. Dr. Spiegelman discovered Irisin in 2012.

It can not also be overestimated how promising the effect of Irisin is to advanced alzheimer rodents. "It could have consequences for the intervention in humans with Alzheimer's disease where therapy usually begins after patients have become symptomatic" adds Dr. Wrann.


A new Alzheimer drug?

adding weight to a large dumbbell

"It's hard to imagine something better for cerebral health that the daily exercise, and our conclusions have put a new light on the mechanism involved: protect against neuronflammation, perhaps the biggest killer of the neurons of the brain As we get older ", states co-author Rudy Tanzi, co-director of the McCance Center for brain health at MGH.

Although a lot of research is still needed, especially among human subjects, researchers say Irisin can be developed as a medicine for Alzheimer's treatment. They hope to test a pharmaceutical version of the hormone on mice and people in the future.

"Since Irisin does not specifically picking amyloid plates, but rather of the neuronflammation directly, we are optimistic that this could have beneficial effects on neurodegenerative diseases beyond a single Alzheimer", concludes Mr. Wrann concluded.

Overall, this study is another reason why we should all exercise regularly. He keeps the young mind! And for more new exercises that you can use, see here forOne of the walking exercises that can predict your death risk, said a study.

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