Exercise towers to reduce stubborn body fat

The best coaches reveal some of the fitness tactics to target fat in all the right places.

Contrary to what many people believe, it is actually impossible to "stain"Some areas of your body where grease has accumulated.

For example, making squats will not drive directly to fat loss in your back and make crunches or use an ABS wheel will not allow you to see the area around your median disappearing suddenly. "The fat in your body is like a gas in your gas tank", like Todd Miller, Ph.D., C.C.S., Professor of Nutrition and Exercise Sciences at George Washington University, explained toThe Washington Post. "Thinking that you can reduce fat your stomach alone, it's like saying that you want to use gas only on the right side of your fuel tank."

As such, if you are looking to lose fat anywhere on your body, our own coach,TIM LIU, C.S.C.S., says you have to target fat throughout your body. As for the loss of fat, he says, "There is no circumvenment of the basics:Force training regularly, getting inRegular cardio (Even if it's just taking aA few quick walks Every week) to compensate for your session,Eating a healthy diet at a calorie deficit, geta lot of sleepAnd drink enough water every day. "

But to make sure that you lose fat where you want and see results in the most stubborn areas, there are some exercise tips that you can do at the gym, says Liu-with other first coaches plan, which will help you achieve your goals. Follow these tips - and combine your nutrition plan - to target fat loss throughout your body. And for more good exercise tips, check thisA fashionable celebrity exercise tour you can try at home.


You need a coherent weight training period

Fitness girl doing dumbbells plank row exercise lifting dumbbell weights. Woman doing floor workout renegade row or commando alternating plank row at gym.

Far too many people think you have to make tons of cardio to get a lean body. This is just not true. You have to hit the weight room.

"The addition of resistance to your workout with bodybuilding can help the body preserve the fat-free mass, which has been demonstrated to increase the number of calories that your body burns while resting" Steven Virtu, responsible for the development of the fitness, explained toDaily star. "A coherent weight training that is safe but difficult for your body will also help you build meat muscles, combined with fat loss, helps create a more tonic and carved physique." And for more great exercise tips, do not miss theseSecret Body Secrets Experts Exercise more than 50 years.


Move all the time

Businesswoman is walking to work in the city. She is holding a coffee cup and is talking on the phone.

"A tip that I always give to my clients who are trying to lose fat consists in remaining as much as possible throughout the day," says Joshua Lafond, a Certified NASM and founder personal trainer.Healthy gym habits. "Staying in motion or even standing helps you burn a lot more calories compared to the session at a traditional office."

Liu accepts. "When you're not at the gym, you have to move as much as possible andgo into a lot of walks, which will help you burn even more fat and help your recovery. "

If you have office work and you are not able to be on your feet all day, Lafond advises you to follow this checklist: Take a 10-minute walk break every two hours of your day Always use an office, always use the stairs when you have received the choice and take as many work telephony calls while walking as you can. And for more extensive tips, consult theEssential yoga extends for people over 40 years old.


Add a hiit

hiit workout

"Not only HIIT is a great way to boost your mood, but research shows that increased metabolic rate, caused by intensive and high intensity exercises, can last up to 38 hours, which means that your body will burn significantly more calories in a state of rest, "virtue explained. "There are simple and short exercises HIIT that you can start with: Squats, Asseyals, Burpees and mountain climbers are all fantastic exercises to try 30 seconds with a rest of 20 seconds."


Strolle after eating

beautiful young girl walking in forest in running clothes standing on log

According to Celebrity TrainerJoey Thurman, These, CPT, FNS, you can improve your fat burning by walking shortly after eating a large meal. "Take a 10 to 30 minute walk after your day meals help flatten the stomach," he says. "Why? Well, walk after having contributed to the absorption of nutrients, the lower insulin reaction and the distribution of your calories as fuel instead of fat."

There is no science scarcity that supports it. Walking after a meal will help your digestion, reduce your blood sugar level, reduce your stress and help you develop healthier habits. For more things about that, check theSecret side effects of walking just after a meal, says science.


Listen to your body

woman meditation

"Too many sturdy exercises without sufficient days of recovery can cause an overfeiture that actually pushes your body to store more fat, due to an increase in hormonal stress cortisol," explained from virtue to the daily star.

So he advises you to listen to your body. "If you feel particularly lethargic or acid, then of vigorous exercise is probably not the best idea. Instead, consider an activity that will allow you to rest while enjoying your mood, such as reading or reading meditation."

Make sure you have a good sleep, as well. "Aim at least 7 hours of quality sleep per night and make sure you have an optimal environment to fall into a deep sleep state," he said.


Be patient

tired and sweaty

"For the better or for the worst, the distribution of fat is genetically determined - we can not do anything about it - and each of us has different areas of obstinacy fat"said Maxwell Kamlongera, fromFITNESS MX. "So when we lose fat, the areas of our body containing the least amount of fat begin to cut first and areas whose fat will be the last to leave."

Assuming that your diet is in good health, your diet is healthy ", the fat you are working to finally dispose of melt with time and commitment," he says. And for more good exercise advice, checkThe 15-second exercise thing that can change your life.

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