Long-term side effects of not exercising

If you have adopted a sedentary lifestyle over the past year, here's why you should change your habits.

Even for many million Americans who have not contracted Covid-19, the past year could have profoundly negative health consequences for the coming years. According to a survey of nearly 1,000 physicians led by the American Academy of Family Physicians, more than 60% of physicians reported an increase in obesity in their patients. Moreover, aSurvey conducted by the American Psychological Association found that 61% of all adults surveyed reported having gained weight since 20202020.

"Ninety-eight percent of my day are:" You are not doing exercise, you have won weight and diabetes is no longer controlled. We have to help you with that, "Andrew Carroll, MD, Arizona Doctor-Scholar recently explained toThe Guardian. "It's very rare that I reduce drugs over the past year."

It is not surprising that the last year has been a perfect storm of anti-fitness. After all, gymnasiums are closed, the training options have decreased considerably, important daily exercises we have taken for granted have been limited (such as travel and operating races), and maybe the only thing higher than our collective stress levels are sales ofcomforting foods andalcohol.

If you have adopted a newly sedentary lifestyle following the events of the last year - and if you have trouble finding your life of life in good health, know that you do not have to meet theUS Department of Health and Human Services"Directions of 150 minutes to 300 minutes of moderate intensity exercise every week from immediately. Start small and remember thatJust walk for 20 minutes can do wonders for your body. If you are able to perform intense exercises, a new study revealed that you can enjoy the benefits of exercise.Working for only 12 minutes a week.

After all, leading a life without physical activity will not do any favor. According toCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC), a sedentary lifestyle is one of the four pillars associated with preventable chronic diseases, next to a bad diet, smoking and drinking too much. The CDC also notes that the lack of exercise is associated with "approximately $ 117 billion" in health costs each year.

But that's not all. Read for really horrible and long side effects associated with a lack of exercise, according to some of the major physicians of the nation. And for more help to get a small shape from now, checkThe way forward to get in shape in just 12 minutes a week, according to a new study.


You will be more risky of heart disease

woman with heart hands

"Do not have enough physical activity can lead to heart disease, even for people who have no other risk factor," Write the experts at the CDC. "This can also increase the probability of developing other cardiac risk factors, including obesity, high blood pressure, hygienic cholesterol."


You will be at greater risk of type 2 diabetes

apples diabetes insulin measure

"Do not have enough physical activity can raise the risk of a person to develop type 2 diabetes," the CDC said. "Physical activity helps control blood glucose (glucose), weight and blood pressure and helps raise a" bad "cholesterol and" bad "cholesterol" bad ". Adequate physical activity can also help reduce the risk of Cardiac disease and nervous damage, which are often problems. For people with diabetes. "


You will have more risk of getting several cancers

Man at doctor's office.

"Getting the recommended amount of physical activity can reduce the risk of many cancers, including the cancers of the bladder, chest, colon, uterus, esophagus, kidney, lung and The stomach, "says the CDC. "These effects apply regardless of weight status."


Here's how to act

two women walking fast

CDC expertsOffer several tips for getting more movement in your daily life. Among them: is looking for a way to reduce your support time ("for example, instead of watching TV, take a walk after dinner"), stick with activities that you really enjoy ("You could love the Morning walks in your neighborhood; others might prefer an online class after work ") and remind you that you can" break "the recommendations of the Directive for 150 weekly exercise in" 25 minutes a day per day . "This way, it will feel much less snatched. And for more reasons to move, see What happens to your body when you are too sitting every day, says science .

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