Category: Life

8 things to be in the kitchen in a good mistress

For every real mistress, the kitchen is something very personal. This place where real culinary magic is happening. But in order for the chars to work, you need to be able to take into account a lot of trifles.

8 things to be in the kitchen in a good mistress
6 principles how to learn to love yourself

The petting of yourself and you will love the whole world. Many psychologists argue that the decision of all our problems, even in various spheres there is only one way - to love themselves. But is it so easy?

6 principles how to learn to love yourself
Myths about a healthy lifestyle

Very often in pursuit of trends, popularity and dream of healthy life, we do not analyze the expediency of many tips.

Myths about a healthy lifestyle
What to do with shopping during a pandemic

We have already studied in memory how long to wash hands and how to protect your face. Now it is worth learning how to correctly handle items that fall into our apartments from the outside so as to be absolutely confident in that they will not cause you and your family harm.

What to do with shopping during a pandemic
Household hygiene and things in a pandemic period

In order to have a COVID-19 virus, which accidentally hit your house, subsequently not moved to the body, it is necessary to minimize the possibility of its stay on the surfaces in the house. Several important tips for home hygiene during a pandemic period.

Household hygiene and things in a pandemic period
Joint Shopping: How to persuade your beloved on shopping campaign

Shopping for a woman is a medication from stress and an opportunity to get a dose of pleasure. For men everything looks quite differently. They are not entirely clear why to go to another store if the first pants that hit their eyes already like.

Joint Shopping: How to persuade your beloved on shopping campaign
How to maintain social skills in children while quarantine

Social skills are actively developing in children when communicating with other children or adults. Quarantine restricts real communication. But there are various other ways that allow you to support the baby's brain in tone, do not forget important things and learn new aspects of behavior in different situations.

How to maintain social skills in children while quarantine
How to stop afraid of loneliness

Loneliness is one of the greatest fears of people. Many are going to any tricks and manipulations, in order not to remain lonely. And some, even ready to agree to any, not even a very pleasant society. And among other skills to spend time with themselves, one of the most significant abilities of man.

How to stop afraid of loneliness
10 Comfort Quarantine Strategies

All of us in the last weeks a thousand times roared about quarantine and led hundreds of fun pictures. But no anecdotes change the fact that Karatin is difficult. To preserve a cold mind in constant stress is not easy. How can you help yourself (and surround) make a quarantine period comfortable?

10 Comfort Quarantine Strategies
How to wear a protective mask correctly?

Due to the rapid distribution of the COVID-19 virus, in most countries, they are obliged by people who are outside their own home, put protective masks. This is an elementary security measure.

How to wear a protective mask correctly?
Magic everyday Japanese photo artist

Where to look for inspiration, especially in crowded stress and troubles of daily life?

Magic everyday Japanese photo artist
Best men by sign zodiac

Of course, the zodiac allows you to draw the rating of the best men at certain congenital inclinations, but remember that your heart is your heart.

Best men by sign zodiac
As during quarantine not to gain extra pounds

Quarantine - self-isolation time at home. And this is synonymous to a small lifestyle. TV, computer work, a small way of life and with this schedule you can not notice how easy kilograms will appear. In order not to give your body to relax completely, stick to a few simple rules.

As during quarantine not to gain extra pounds
10 Treaty of Perfect Father

Become a parent much easier than being a parent. It has little to give someone life, you need to help this new man build your new life, teach her to live happily. And in order to make it, it's worth living so to live. How to become an ideal parent for your children?

10 Treaty of Perfect Father
How to panic and protect yourself from Coronavirus

This happened! In Ukraine officially recorded the first case of the disease in coronary. Ulyana Supta stressed that the main thing is not to panic and adhere to clear recommendations that we will talk below.

How to panic and protect yourself from Coronavirus
11 phrases that cannot be talked to a child

Children's psyche is so vulnerable that every word can influence it. And not always the way it would be desirable. We collected common phrases that should not be said by a child to not fight then with fatal consequences.

11 phrases that cannot be talked to a child
8 Ukrainian Instagram bloggers worth subscribing

Once children wanted to be astronauts, but now - bloggers. With pleasure, we share information about well-known Ukrainian bloggers, which managed to conquer the commitment of a large audience. They should subscribe to them!

8 Ukrainian Instagram bloggers worth subscribing
12 kitchen lifes that turn your life into a fairy tale

Technologies are not in place, but the experience of generations helps to facilitate cooking process so as not to spend additional efforts and time. With pleasure, we share tricks that will turn the cooking into an enthusiastic process of creativity, and not a daily routine and duty.

12 kitchen lifes that turn your life into a fairy tale
6 Nursing Zodiac Signs

According to astropsychologists, the main unit that does not give to circulate the energy of femininity is strong internal fears.

6 Nursing Zodiac Signs