11 phrases that cannot be talked to a child

Children's psyche is so vulnerable that every word can influence it. And not always the way it would be desirable. We collected common phrases that should not be said by a child to not fight then with fatal consequences.

Children's psychic is only vulnerable that every word can influence it. And not always as the beans would like. We gathered common phrases that should not be talked to the child in order to not then with fatal consequences.

"If you are bad to behave, I will give you ..."

... Baby Yazi, Babai, Police, Gypsies, etc. On that they only do not go parents to cope with an accelerating child even resorting to threats. And if someone from children over it is to laugh, then for most all the same, it works. And then it can be observed deepening of fear: darkness, empty room, spacious with a terrible. Cadesty and alarming children can get a real phobia. If you are experiencing an emotional health of the child, it's better to find another approach: the baby has to grow with rest and security.

"I do not love you"

Of course, you will not say such words with common sense. Whatever you do, do not tell her, if you do not want to give a strong psychological truck. The child can perceive these words literally. Even if the parents were timely demanded and said that they just joked, these terrible words will permanently settle in the child's memory and periodically will be reminded. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully choose words.

"You will not go out of the table until you do!".

This is the first phrase -pohad of childhood called the participants of "weighted and happy", when they are gaining to lose weight. These words have been heard practically all, but your child is inconvenient. Somewhere on the subconscious level relatives still remember that such a famine, because of children, and those in adolescence and mature age often suffer from excessive weight and health problems that are a consequence of obesity. It is not possible to eat as it does not want. As a result, it will not be forces for training andsport, since all body resources are aimed at digesting food.

"Do not can" "

Another widespread fragment that can be treated with real physical harm. This is especially related to sports. Hearing these words, many silent body in moments when it is not necessary. Specialists recommend teaching a child to hear signals of his own, distinguish discomfort and pain. They don't have to do anything through strength.

"Boys don't cry"

With this stereotype, soaks grew. And as a result, we have cold, indifferent and mischievous people. It should be remembered that the suppression of emotions turns children in emotional adults, forms complexes and imposes gender stereotypes.

"Do as I said"

Often, for the bracket, adults can not explain the truth and the need for some things, muffling from a million questions to one thing: "For I said so." In fact, the child wants to perform teams. An ideal option when children are educated by their own.

"Why aren't you like your brother / sister?"

Similar phrases and without that existing competition between native brothers or sisters.News should not be compared to children: you only pour oils in the fire they are taken up to each other. Try instead to encourage each in that it does not go out, avoiding comparisons.

"Do not study - you will sweep"

Every profession serves respect, but all parents want their children easier and better fate. Therefore, such phrases are heard when studying at school. However, children are simulating to live their childhood without stress and experiences. It is proved that too starring work "For the Future" in high school leads to early professional and emotional burnout. Often, such almost invisible coercion and imposition ofambicians can even become a sharp change in behavior and even the capture of alcohol or gyps. Psychologists argue that happy, relaxed people are more successful.

"You will be able to become who wants to"

With intimidate and inspire hope, parents often grown in children not quite adequate perception of reality. Because of the disappointment and the impossibility of embodiment, some dreams arise neuroses. The tasks of parents are not only to inspire children of vision, but also to grow them with realists, explain that in life there will be and development, but they can be survived to become stronger and go further to the tops.

"If you are not you, I would ..."

Never in life, the child should hear that she was undesirable and somehow prevented - a career, his mother's personality, etc. This responsibility is very pressing on the baby. And what would take the mother further happen, the child will live with a sense of guilt for the fact that the minds did not exist. Because of this, in adult, children often do not afford their own happiness, but do everything to give debt to their parents for being born.

"We cannot afford this"

This phrase is often heard, especially during the financial crisis. But it should not be emphasized on this attention, because it creates mental frames for the child and proves that in life, the main thing is money. It is better to explain the situation so that the child understood what matter.

Categories: Life
Tags: education
By: naima
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