Trend on beauty minimalism: 6 reasons to buy less cosmetics

The trend on minimalism, finally got to the beauty industry.

The trend on minimalism, finally got to the beauty industry. The world is tired of the inconspicuous number of jars with toner, booster, essences, emulsions, mistas and masks, flooded shelves in stores. Slowly from the famous 12-speed ritual of cleansing and skin care is refused even the Korean women, reducing the amount of cosmetics to a comfortable figure. Why do you also have to refuse unnecessary beauty products, read in our review. We found at least six good reasons.

1. Improve the skin condition

Careful cleansing, exfoliation and constant application of a large amount of cosmetics exactly does not make it healthier. On the contrary, it may cause the destruction of a natural acidic shell. Hence the appearance of acne, dryness, rosacea and premature wrinkles. The minimum effect on this protective barrier is the key to healthy and shining skin. Proved dermatologists. With the arrival of a new trend on the minimalism of chemicals and care products, cosmetics are interested in creating multipurpose products, which will simultaneously treat and meet the needs of any type of skin.

2. Save money

Money saving is perhaps the most obvious bonus that you get, following the principles of beauty minimalism. Now you do not need to save on food or ask for your beloved to buy an unrealily expensive cream. And the saved funds can be spent on mini leave, training courses or vocal lessons.

3. and Time

The smaller the amount of leaving products and beauty rituals, the more you will win time. And if you leave only tone and mascara from makeup, in the morning there is even more free time, which can be devoted to something truly pleasant. For example, sleep, meditation or reading a book.

4. Mouse over the shelves

"Smaller jars on the shelves!" - The motto of all the adepts of beauty minimalism. Cleansing, tonic, masks and two moisturizing products at different times of the year will be more than enough. The overaffect of things will certainly lead to a mess and litter of space. After all, every day the goods are made more and more, and we do not always have enough will of the will to resisted by their rapid desires.

5. Take care of the planet

More women begin to approach the beauty shop consciously. Minimalism and awareness, so to speak, go side by side. After all, the smaller the cosmetics, it does not matter or leaving, the less harmful emissions into the atmosphere from plants, less than hated plastic on landfills and less cutting trees for the sake of packaging production. And what is important, fewer animal tests.

6. Let's start living more consciously

Against the background of a pandemic, women increasingly began to pay attention to the composition of cosmetics and buy more expensive goods intended for home care. After all, you can buy much less cosmetics, but if it is high-quality, it will bring much more benefit. Consciously maintaining skin health is a good trend. We hope that he will stay with us for a long time.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: cosmetics
By: geoffrey
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