What to do with shopping during a pandemic

We have already studied in memory how long to wash hands and how to protect your face. Now it is worth learning how to correctly handle items that fall into our apartments from the outside so as to be absolutely confident in that they will not cause you and your family harm.

In self-isolation conditions, when we lack travels and fresh impressions, the hike in the store may appear a whole event. But packages and packages that we bring home with you can also be sources of invisible danger. We have already studied in memory how long to wash hands and how to protect your face. Now it is worth learning how to correctly handle items that fall into our apartments from the outside so as to be absolutely confident in that they will not cause you and your family harm. Here's what doctors and scientists are recommended.

1.Give purchases to get off

This advice is best grabbing to those subjects or products that can not spoil quickly. The virus is not stored on packs unlimited time. In addition, scientists have found that it is especially effective in it sunlight. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to leave purchases on a balcony or terrace on sunlight per day or two, it gives virtually a hundred percent guarantee that further use of purchases will be safe.

2.Don't put purchases on the table

Of course, this rule applies to new purchases that you have not yet processed. Put packets on the floor or in the sink. Do not forget that all these surfaces will be able to handle disinfectivity when you finish all over your places. Even if further disinfection, do not place crude packaging on the table, so it's easier to control the planes that require processing.

3.Remove the package

Not for all products it is possible, but where so, it's worth doing. Translate bought from packets and boxes into containers or refrigerator compartment. Fixed packaging is better to throw away or put into the sun. This is a much more reliable way than trying to wash them. If it comes to loose products such as flour or cereals, it is best to send them into banks or containers. Some sources are advised to remove the package before entering the house purchases, but this can not be implemented in many situations.

4. DisinfectWhat cannot be translated

If you remove the package it is impossible, it does not mean to worry about anything. Take advantage of a means of disinsection to handle such purchases. If you want to save, you can use a vodka. If hands are better disinfected by means of more than 60% alcohol, then, according to doctors, for cardboard and plastic sufficient and 40%. Nevertheless, it will not be able to use the treated optimally. Give packages to stand for a while.


The simplest, but the most up-to-date advice for the time of coronavirus: what will survive with soap, should be washed with soap. And this concerns not only subjects or household chemicals. You can wash with soap vegetables and fruits and even some packages, such as sweets.

6.Avoid product without packaging

There are food products that are impossible to wash, nor to be processed, nor leave for a long time in the sun. In the first place, it concerns ready-made dishes and confectionery products. The easiest advice will avoid such shopping at the time of a pandemic. If you do not have your favorite cake to order you, specify the safety rules and evaluate the persuasiveness of its answers. And even better - inspire it yourself!

7.Don't forget your own hygiene

After you have disassembled all packages and took care of all purchases, do not forget to wash your hands very carefully and rub all the surfaces that you contacted. If you go to the store themselves, the best solution will take a shower (and maybe even wash your head). Do not forget that, according to scientists, the best virus extends in rooms with closed circulation of air, where groups of people are at the same time. The stores correspond to this definition, and therefore your risk is more than just outside. Try not to spend a lot of time in stores, go to larger size (they have better ventilation), pay attention to or cares for the security shop for visitors and personnel.

8.Use non-contact shipping

Take advantage of the opportunity to order the necessary goods and products home or pick up already in a shipping department in a supermarket. Communicate with the courier in a mask and gloves, pay attention or he uses them. If you also pay your purchases online, you minimize contact with other visitors of the trading room, and therefore lower the chances of infection. Yes, the catching a free shipping window is not easy, but the benefits of such a shopping format make it worth every effort.

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