8 things to be in the kitchen in a good mistress

For every real mistress, the kitchen is something very personal. This place where real culinary magic is happening. But in order for the chars to work, you need to be able to take into account a lot of trifles.

For every real mistress, the kitchen is something very personal. This place where real culinary magic is happening. But in order for the chars to work, you need to be able to take into account a lot of trifles. Therefore, we prepared a small list of things to the kitchen that will significantly help you in the kitchen and will emphasize your hostility.

1.Serving table

What this table can be useful in everyday life? First, you can beautifully take your branded meal on the holiday, such as a large cake or duck "Paekinsky". Also this table can serve as an additional place for storing already prepared dishes, or in order to comfort your beloved man breakfast in bed. In a word, an serving table is something that will significantly simplify you life and add a slight aesthetics.

2.Crane with drinking water

We all know how much harmful water in water pipes. In it you can find everything: ranging from just chlorine and ending with almost all the table of Mendeleev. Consuming such water is very harmful. One of the solutions to this problem may be the installation of an additional crane, with powerful filters, in order to obtain ordinary drinking water at the outlet of the water supply. If you still have no such crane, then it is worth thinking.

3.Directed lighting

One chandelier, even very bright, definitely will not provide enough light. In addition, it is usually behind the back, so the working area in this case remains in the dark. But how many delicate processes occur in the kitchen, therefore the directed lighting will be very useful when you need to work in different kitchen corners. Elementary in this case, the eyes will be less tired.

4.Wine closet

Alcohol, especially a noble drink, as wine should be stored in the correct conditions. Therefore, you must have a wine cabin, let it be small. However, wine there will be safe and comfort. Without superfluous sunlight and with proper temperature.

5.Syringe / bag for decorating cake

Early or late in the life of every hostess comes a moment when something special is required for a special event. Cakes, muffins, pastries - all this requires special accessories in order to make it beautiful. And, at least, a confectionery syringe or bag is required. In order to remove all delicate patterns and generally make beauty on sweets and other dishes.

6.Kitchen scales

An instrument that is simply necessary for every mistress. Many dishes, and especially baking, sauces and other complex and spicy dishes require a clearly measured amount of products. Kitchen scales will help you stick to the formulations and always cook delicious and lucky dishes. Such a modern and useful gadget will greatly simplify the lives of hostesses that are accustomed to using grandmothers for measurement. Modern weights have options for measuring not only loose products, but also different types of liquids. If you want your dishes always delicious advised to buy kitchen scales today.

7. Banks for cereals, spices and macaroni

The place for storage of cereals and macaroni products should always be clean and neat. Otherwise, there is a risk that there will be insects. Therefore, we recommend that you store everything in separate convenient banks, or boxes that are sealed.

8.Reeling and Hooks on Work Surface

Reeling is a horizontal tube that is fixed with a small distance from the walls, and on which the hooks are attached. This is an ideal solution for storing various kitchen accessories. On the hook you can hang everything you like: knives, saucepans, frying pan, jars with spices. The main thing is that this wonderful LIFHAK will help you all you need to always hold and not distract from cooking your culinary masterpieces, to open a shelf once again.

Categories: Life
Tags: hostess
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