6 principles how to learn to love yourself

The petting of yourself and you will love the whole world. Many psychologists argue that the decision of all our problems, even in various spheres there is only one way - to love themselves. But is it so easy?

The petting of yourself and you will love the whole world. Many psychologists argue that the decision of all our problems, even in various spheres there is only one way - to love themselves. But is it so easy? The main thing is to do this deliberately, in pleasure and understand what. So, some tips, how to find your inner "Zen" and love yourself.

1.Not to take into account the views of others

It is difficult to please everyone, or rather it is simply impossible. There will always be those who do not like something. And it's okay. The main thing is to realize that the only person you must please - this is yourself.

2.Praise oneself for successes

In order to achieve some result, you are making efforts, spend your time and resource, so you do not have to praise yourself for it. You can even buy yourself a gift or delicate as a reward for your success.

3.Not criticize yourself

Psychologists say that the constant self-criticism destroys our self-esteem and develops complexes. It is clear that it is necessary to objectively and sober to look at things. All people are wrong, it's normal, in this case it is necessary to make an analysis of the reason why this happened and make a maximum effort, so that the future did not repeat. And if instead of sober analysis, you will begin mercilessly to criticize, sooner or later it will "eat."

4.To trust yourself

His internal voice to hear is not easy, especially when outside there is a powerful influence of thoughts surrounding. But until you learn to hear your own desires, you will not be able to feel like a truly happy man. By the way, it is also very important to talk to themselves.

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5.To take care of self

To be careful to its health as physical and mental - it is an important component of love for itself. When you are worried about your body and soul, they meet you reciprocity. When you are in the morning to make yourself scrub, go to the massage, spend a few hours in the gym, etc., you will automatically begin to appreciate yourself, and therefore surrounding you people.

6.Wear pretty clothes

You do not need to wait for a good moment: a special event or when we lose 10 kilograms. The moment has come. When you begin to feel confident and your beauty in a new image - then surrounding you people will begin to notice it. Also choose good clothes for home. When you start getting pleasure from your own display in the mirror (even at home), then count the target achieved.

Categories: Life
Tags: psychology
By: v-s-wells
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