Category: beauty, beauty

Synthesis of beautiful and bad hairstyles that women should know
A bad hair can cause people to lose faith, disappointing and bothered for several weeks or even months because they have to wait until the long hair can be protected again. In contrast, having the right hair will make you happy and have faith in the future in a strong future.

8 beautiful beauty tips of the country where every girl should know
Koreans are liked to resolve their beauty processes because they believe that the effort they spends never becomes excessive. Although they are male or female, their old age or young, their skin always exudes ruddy and radiant balls, because they have to spend a lot of time finding beautiful beauty products for themselves Most.

Mask for easy acne skin
Today a lot of beauty companies do business of acne dots, anti-pimples masks, v.v ... but do those products really make you run out of acne? They only work on the surface. Today we will introduce you to some types of skin that can do it yourself at home and help you treat ease of pimples.

Results of yoga practice over time
Anyone who comes to this subject must have the desire and voluntarily spend time and effort of the Binh to practice. If you feel frustrated when you see the image of people who conquered complex yoga postures, don't worry - just try to practice, you will also do it like them. In order to achieve the toughness and perseverance, you need to spend a lot of time and effort to practice every day.

8 ways to beautify olive oil
Olive oil is one of the best moisturizers and does not contain any additives or chemicals. You can use it to make hand lotion, hair annealing masks, facials or even the entire body detoxification!

Do you know how to remove your limbs at home with ... Road!
As long as you have sugar, lemon, and honey, or just sugar and lemon, you will easily process effective hair removal mixtures. Moreover, this mixture also helps you relax as in the spa by a pleasant aroma from lemon, sugar and honey.

Clean skin with vegetable oil to have a beautiful bright skin!
When you use organic oils, your skin will be provided with additional nutrients from healing and protecting your skin. When you use the skin cleansing the skin properly, you can solve the skin problems such as oily skin, dry skin, melasma, acne, white heads, blackheads, v.V. Your skin will always be moisturized, protected, and more beautiful.

10 tricks of hair salons
Certainly, among us also to the hair salon - to "tumble" the beauty for the date, to straighten the curls without sticking, or simply want to have a beautiful hair to feel confident than. But like other industries, the hairdressing industry also has unknown left aspects.

All you need to know about high cheeks and low cheeks
Whenever discussing a face with a "beautiful edge", people often think of the cheeks, because this is the most affected part of the face shape. If your cheekbones are close to the eye, your face has a high cheek. And vice versa, if the cheekbones are horizontal with the corners of the nose, you have a face with low cheeks. Comparing that high or higher low cheeks will have no sense ...

Nail polish trend will prevail in 2020
Many women women always hunted the latest nail polish colors to be able to "cardboard" with costumes, creating trendy trends with the upcoming trend. Never let your nails look monotonous, boring - Always a stylish girl, adorn your appearance with favorite paint and pattern colors and can be fashionable there.

Beauty care at home: you can absolutely!
You don't have to go to the spa to beautify because there are very simple beauty tips that you can easily do at home. Let's find out!

All you need to know about how wax eyebrows
During this social isolation, there was no salon to be opened, so many girls suffered at home with a row of jagged eyebrows due to not neatly trimmed. For girls who like to show eyebrows and or go to the salon to wax excess fur, this is no different from nightmares. Here are some tips wax eyebrows so that you don't have to own a thick eyebrow after the isolation runs out.

11 hair beauty secrets from hair stylists
To the salon shop always makes people become strange, no matter what money it is, no less but the time to go to the store of a famous hair stylist is also limited. But don't be so sad if you can't go to a regular hair salon! Just a little knowledge plus a few free time, you will be able to make a new hairstyle yourself.

What kind of beautiful soap you can't believe
Perhaps you are too familiar with common rectangular soap cakes. Even you don't intend to use them "obsolete". However, sure, you will be surprised to see the following soaps because they are unexpectedly wonderful.

The secret to keeping shape during self-isolation
Having to die in the house does not mean we have to be immersed in pile snacks and stop exercising. In fact, this is the ideal time to do this. Body training is a way to control mental health, and enhance the immune system.

6 exercises help you have a shape like a ballet dancer
Beautiful physique can help maintain bone health, as well as relieve pressure and stress from the spine. If you are ready to improve your physique, the following we will introduce 6 exercises to help you with a ballet like a ballet.

9 formulas for lipsticks at home help create natural lips
Every girl wants to own a lips with a full look, natural stress like Kylie Jenner's lips, but to do it, most people have to accept pouring of money into cosmetic stores Buy lipsticks that help lips stretches or beauty tools have similar effects. Give yourself a youthful appearance, a natural lips of lips with the following self-lipstick recipes. You can buy expensive cosmetics and beauty tools at Sephora to make your lips stretch but don't mean they are best - the self-employed versions at this house are equally effective!

Manual makes the full body exfoliation mixture at home
If you always wonder how to exfoliate effectively at home, this article will help you answer it! Moreover, you can easily find materials to be used in your kitchen cabinets or cabinets, such as coffee, sugar or sea salt. To understand more about how to build and use exfoliation mixtures, study the formulasks carefully!

8 things that do not note will make your smile less
In 2020, it was very close and today, only Hollywood stars could own a sunny smile.

Ukrainian girl performed a challenge # 100daysofMakeUp - the results are unbelievable!
Creative makeup is now a prevailing "fashion", but almost no one dares to try a real makeup style. Therefore, the following we will introduce a Ukrainian makeup artist, the girl has bravely performed the # 100daysofmakeup challenge (100 days makeup).

10 unique galaxy hair colors that you have to dye in 2020
The galaxy hair style has appeared more than a few years ago, but it's still uneasy. And every girl wanted to turn her hair into dreamy nebula with pink, purple, red and blue with spectacularly different ways. That's right, this trend is still prevalent, so take a long breath and travel with us to travel in a deep space to find some ideas for your galaxy hair color.

7 great benefits for beauty from sea salt
If you are one of the girls who want to prepare the beauty therapy from the raw material in the kitchen, today is your lucky day because we will introduce you one of the brands The fruits you are available.

10 tips are not old from oriental women
All women have tips and methods of taking care of themselves and these methods are often different between countries. It's great if you have your own secret but learning from others to apply to your life is also a good idea.

All frequency disabled everything you need to know about Microblading cosmetic tattoo spray
Having a glamorous eyebrow pair is a burning dream for many people - sometimes, there is no kind of makeup, lead or dyeing color that can help remove points for the braised eyebrows. Where is the answer? The answer is a permanent eyebrow, thanks to Microblading Cosmetic Tattooing Engineering.

10 alternative massage techniques you need to experience
When you put a full body massage session for 60 minutes at local spa, you often don't think about dozens of different techniques that may have. In addition to helping you relax, 10 unique massage techniques later have miraculous effects on your physical physical as well as improving your overall health and mental health.

Create a habit of beautifying your zodiac
We often ignore our own care and take the time for everyone and everything deducted themselves. This makes us stress, changing mood and health decline. If you recently feel a bit deciled, most likely you need to rest and a specific beauty therapy to recover your body. Using astrology can help you.