Mask for easy acne skin

Today a lot of beauty companies do business of acne dots, anti-pimples masks, v.v ... but do those products really make you run out of acne? They only work on the surface. Today we will introduce you to some types of skin that can do it yourself at home and help you treat ease of pimples.

We all understand that acne is very inconvenient. The day before you can be absolutely normal, but after a night of waking up, acne can be filled with your face without clear why. It may be due to reaction with a type of food, a component in cleanser or simply due to hormones. Today a lot of beauty companies do business of acne dots, anti-pimples masks, v.v ... but do those products really make you run out of acne? They only work on the surface. Today we will introduce you to some types of skin that can do it yourself at home and help you treat ease of pimples.

1. Art mask & honey

Turmeric is known as a material with anti-inflammatory use in cooking and also similar effects in beauty products. Almost compartment the kitchen cabinets who also have turmeric and you can completely use it to treat inflammatory skin. Just mix half a teaspoon of turmeric with a spoon of honey and then spread the mixture on the face. Honey will soften and soften the skin, while ensuring moisture. Leave it for 10 minutes and then rinse.

2. Mask Aloe & Matcha

Lottery gel is very mild and good for inflammatory and itchy skin, and Matcha has a use of reducing reduction. This is the perfect duo for dry skin, redness and itching.

Just mix about 2 tablespoons of aloe vera (will be better if you take it directly from aloe leaves) and 1 teaspoon of Matcha powder. After that, you can put the mixture in a few minutes refrigerators to increase cooling effects. Apply the mixture to the face, leave for 15 minutes and then rinse. Remember to apply moisturizer.

3. Butter mask & honey

We all know the avocado very well, whether it is used in any way (unless you are allergic to butter). So adding butter to the skin care mask is sure it will be very good. Butter will moisten and soothe the skin, honey will stretch the skin and tighten pores. Honey has antibacterial characteristics, very good for the skin. You can apply the mixture to face and leave it from 10 to 20 minutes.

4. Mask nutmeg & aspirin

If you are red rash and facial dermatitis but have to attend an event on the next day or tonight - this homemade acne cream will be saved for you. Crush a aspirin with a little nutmeg (with the edge of the coffee spoon) and mix more with less yogurt to create a mixture for the mixture. Masks should only be covered on areas with acne and inflammation. To be like that for 15 minutes, then gently rinse with warm water.

5. Turmeric mask & yogurt

Turmeric is one of the best ingredients to treat inflamed skin and pimples. Even some sisters also use each technology to add a little water. But thus will make the skin with gold for a few days. So you should mix a teaspoon of turmeric with a sufficient amount of yogurt to cover the face. Leave for 10 minutes and then rinse, then apply moisturizer.

6. Honey Mask & Baking Soda & Lemon

This homemade skin care mask also works to erase a little skin. Baking soda can actually soothe the skin, and when combined with lemon juice, it can exfoliate, and honey will replicate soothing and moisturize the skin. However, don't rub too much when applying the mask, don't need to do so, just spread lightly on the face and leave it within 10 minutes.

7. Tea essential oil & clay mask

Tea essential oils are an extremely strong antibacterial component and can fly pimples after a night. A lot of acne-dotting creams with the main ingredients are tea essential oils. But use it limited, because too much tea essential oils can cause irritation and dryness. Just small 1 or 2 drops of tea essential oil (so is enough) into clay skin care mask and mask for 15 minutes. Apply a mask once a week.

8. Butter & lemon mask & honey

This is a very effective acne dot cream. All you need is a little crushed butter, a teaspoon of honey and a little new lemon juice. Honey will have the ability to resist bacteria, butter will moisturize, and lemon will reduce skin pigmentation. There is nothing to criticizing the effect of this acne cream. Should only apply the mixture to acne or inflammation, not to be used for the whole face. Leave for 10 minutes and rinse.

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