10 unique galaxy hair colors that you have to dye in 2020

The galaxy hair style has appeared more than a few years ago, but it's still uneasy. And every girl wanted to turn her hair into dreamy nebula with pink, purple, red and blue with spectacularly different ways. That's right, this trend is still prevalent, so take a long breath and travel with us to travel in a deep space to find some ideas for your galaxy hair color.

Hair style galaxy has appeared more than a few years ago, but it's still uneasy. And the girl also wanted to turn her hair into nebula with pink, purple, red and blue and blue in a spectacular way. That's right, this trend is still prevalent, so inhalation is a bit long and we travel a break into the deep space to find some ideas for your galaxy. Moreover, in 2020 is coming, together to welcome the new year together with a unique hair color.

Blue pumpkin

When it comes to dyeing galaxy, purple and blue hair mixed into each other, the first thing you think is right. The main trick here is how to make these two colors serially smooth to create a hair with colors like from the universe.

Sunset on Mars

You don't need to travel far away to find the idea for your galaxy hair color - the planets in our solar system are very gorgeous! Imagine the sunset on the red planet at the moment it was covered by the oceans like the earth now ... How beautiful will it be?

Cosmic green

Apart from the space is always cold, osteoped and filled with mysterious blue and blue navy. Imagine watching! If you have a hair like such a universe waves, everyone will be unremitted.

Northern stesions

This special optical phenomenon is one of the extremely impressive images that you can see from the Earth rather than traveling into space. Don't go far away, but coordinate a hair color like that for yourself.


The rich color of this hairstyle helps it look like a oil painting really created by the universe. Pink, purple and blue neon will look out on your shiny long hair!

Purple smoke

This type of coefficient looks like a purple smoked clouds. In addition, there are a few pink and purple points. This hair color will never be faded. It is a popular galaxy hair color!

Rainbow Han Ha

It can be said that the universe is very cold and harsh, but that is also where colors blend together in a very spectacular way! This hairstyle looks like a sparkling rainbow party and of course you are also invited to attend.

Golden wine

Like the blondes are walking out of the universe, this hair color is really an interesting combination! Blending galaxy hairs and ivory hair fibers in a smooth way will make your hair look extremely outstanding for watching.


Our Milky Ways are gorgeous and beautiful without words that can be described! Turn your hair into a galaxy strip like that with magnificent green colors!


There is still no late to add a little green neon to your green and purple galaxy hair color. This perfect combination will give you a fresh and unique style.

Categories: beauty, beauty
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