Tag: heel

10 best DIY shampoo to exfoliate for scalp

Ricing the scalp can open pores and help hair grow healthy in the future. Let's make the hair smooth than ever with the most optimal costs with the following homemade dead skin cells.

10 best DIY shampoo to exfoliate for scalp
Art works from Tet hairstyles

Who suspects that there are many ways to celebrate the hair!

Art works from Tet hairstyles
10 unique galaxy hair colors that you have to dye in 2020

The galaxy hair style has appeared more than a few years ago, but it's still uneasy. And every girl wanted to turn her hair into dreamy nebula with pink, purple, red and blue with spectacularly different ways. That's right, this trend is still prevalent, so take a long breath and travel with us to travel in a deep space to find some ideas for your galaxy hair color.

10 unique galaxy hair colors that you have to dye in 2020