Covid side effects has had on your diet, according to the data

You could be healthier and more adventurous, despite everything.

This was a great year for change. With the locking of Covid-19, many of us have seen our fully transformed lifestyles. Some people have beenDevelop unhealthy habits, while others have benefited from time insideLearn new cooking techniques and develop newTraining routines at home. Whatever 2020 looked like you, the odds are, your life has been confronted with a major upheaval since the beginning of March (and if it is not, you may want to considerTake this vitamin to keep your immune system in good health)

To learn more about how we have all responded to the dramatic changes we have seen in 2020, the International Food Information Council, a non-profit organization of consumer research, has published itsEnd-of-year investigation This includes "one-year consumption ideas like non-another". IFIC researchers interviewed 1,000 adults aged 18 and over between December 3 and December 5 on how their diet has evolved during this wild year.

According to the data collected by the team,Here are some of the ways your diet can have changed during coronavirus locking. In addition, to learn how the virus itself can affect your meal, read this first-person account of howCOVID-19 completely changed the appetite of a woman.


You can eat healthier.

quinoa and arugula salad bowl

Contrary to what you could wait, about one third of the survey respondents reported that theyeat healthier This year last year, while only one-fifth respondents said that their eating habits became less healthy. Interestingly, women were more than twice as likely than men to say that their diet became less healthy.

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You could try new recipes.

whipped coffee

According to the data, it's twice as likely than youTried new recipes This year rather than your cooking habits have remained the same. In addition to trying new recipes, you can also bePurchase new cooking equipment andPrepare simpler and simple meals than the previous years.


You may be drinking more caffeine.

Cup of pour over coffee being poured into a mug in the morning.
Mike Marquez / Beldshash

About 50% more people said they drank more caffeinated drinks in 2020, as opposed to those who reported do not consume less. Resembles many of us need a littleextra coffee Enter the work of the domestic state of mind. But keep in mind, there is a potentialSide effects of coffee drinking each day, according to dietitians.


You could make more ecological food choices.

woman adding pumpkin seeds to a salad bowl vegetables avocado plant based meal

Many people in the survey reported having given more attention to the question of whether their food wasNatural,plantsand orFrom sustainable way. On the other hand, less than a third of respondents said they did not pay any attention to these labels than last year.


You could reduce the objectives of the feeding of your New Year resolutions.

writing in journal

Respondents who doNew Year's ResolutionsOnly 15% said they were going to solve food or drink, while 85% said they were not. In particular, men were more than 50% more likely than women to say they are considering making food or beverage resolution. If it's you, here's hereHealthiest foods to launch your weight loss course, according to RDS.


Hours can now be a family business.

child cooking at home

Respondents were 77% more likely to report that they have beenCooking more often with family members What to say that they cooked less often with family members. With so many routines rejected with breeds during 2020, it is nice to know that at least the last 12 months have made positive food changes to many of our lives.

For more, check theWorst weight loss tips of 2020and protect from COVID-19 by following theseSafe grocery stores.

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