Clean skin with vegetable oil to have a beautiful bright skin!

When you use organic oils, your skin will be provided with additional nutrients from healing and protecting your skin. When you use the skin cleansing the skin properly, you can solve the skin problems such as oily skin, dry skin, melasma, acne, white heads, blackheads, v.V. Your skin will always be moisturized, protected, and more beautiful.

Have you ever heard of cleaning skin with vegetable oil? You can feel really "crazy" because your skin is full of oil and now use oil to clean? The truth is so. Vegetable oil can dissolve oil on your skin that water cannot do. Using vegetable oils to massage gentle skin combined with hot steam can make your pores open. As a result, you can easily remove oil on the skin of the hardened capital and other impurities. When you use organic oils, your skin will be provided with additional nutrients from healing and protecting your skin. When you use the skin cleansing the skin properly, you can solve the skin problems such as oily skin, dry skin, melasma, acne, white heads, blackheads, v.V. Your skin will always be moisturized, protected, and more beautiful.

So which types of oils can be used? You can choose olive oil (olive), castor oil, argan oil, grape seed oil, sunflower oil, saffron oil, and coconut oil. Among them, olive oil and castor oil are the two most common oils and have the best effect.

To use skin cleaning oil, you can follow these instructions.

First of all, it is necessary to choose suitable oil for each skin type. For oily skin, you can use a combination of 1/3 castor oil or 1/3 chestnut oil with 2/3 olive oil, sunflower oil or other type. With mixed leather, you can combine ¼ castor oil or ¼ chestnut oil with ¾ olive oil, sunflower oil or other oils. With dry skin, you should only use high humidity oils such as olive oil or a little castor oil or chestnut oil into other high humidity oils.

After choosing the appropriate oil, you can comply with the following skin cleaning steps.

1. You can use ¼ of the prepared oil mixture, rub it all over the face (do not wet the face with the water before). Gently your face massage within 2 to 3 minutes to ensure that the oil is penetrated into your skin.

2. Put a towel under the hot water to wet and hot towels. After that, open the towel and cover your face. Steam will make pores open, help remove oil and impurities. Keep your towels on your face until the towel cools. You can redo if you find it necessary and use towels to clean your face and roll the oil from your skin.

3. Use cold faucet sprayed on your face skin, helping to tighten pores.

4. You don't need to use moisturizer later. However, at the first time, if your face is dry, use moisturizer. After that, you may not need moisturizer.

Good luck!

Categories: beauty, beauty
Tags: Skin Care
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