Manual makes the full body exfoliation mixture at home

If you always wonder how to exfoliate effectively at home, this article will help you answer it! Moreover, you can easily find materials to be used in your kitchen cabinets or cabinets, such as coffee, sugar or sea salt. To understand more about how to build and use exfoliation mixtures, study the formulasks carefully!

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Exfoliating coffee powder

Coffee diestorming is a very convenient method, easy to do and also bring amazing effects. Research shows that caffeine has the effect of reducing orange shell skin (cellulite). To make a mixture of exfoliation from coffee, you will need about 100g of puree coffee (1/2 cup), 2 tablespoons of hot water and 1 tablespoon coconut oil. After that, mix all these materials and you can also change the arbitrary ratio so that the mixture is as desired. Finally, just pour this mixture into the box that you already have an exfoliating product yourself doing it to use regularly!


The brown sugar exfoliating mixture will also be an interesting option for you because the raw materials for this recipe are very cheap and easy to find. The mixture from the brown sugar will make your skin slightly greasy after use, but this feeling will disappear as soon as you rinse them. To make this mixture you will need about 110g brown sugar (1/2 cup), 120ml of oil (coconut oil, jojoba oil or olive oil, v.v.) and essential oil. You can choose essential oils according to aromatic aroma.


The antibacterial properties of salt have very good effects in healing as well as keeping the skin's naturalness. It is better to use a dry salt salt instead of raw sea salt, otherwise your face will be eroded very quickly. The main material of this mixture will consist of 150g sea salt (1/2 cup) and 120ml of loving oil (coconut oil, jojoba oil or olive oil). You can also use a fragrant essential oil to overwhelm the characteristic scent of salt if desired.

Exfoliating with sugar and honey

The exfoliation effect of the combination of the special antimicrobial properties of honey will make an extremely effective exfoliating mixture. Moreover, honey has antioxidants and prevents the spread of bacteria very well for your skin. Honey can also protect the skin from UV rays, restore damaged skin tissues and destroy bacteria. The standard formula of this mixture will need 110g brown sugar (1/2 cup), 4 tablespoons of coconut oil and 2 tablespoons of honey. After exfoliating with a honey road mixture, you have to wash your skin clean if you don't want to have a feeling of greasy.

Exfoliating rules

Once you know how to make a mixture of exfoliating at home, you need to note a few points on how to use this beauty therapy. First of all, don't be too abusive and exfoliate for daily skin! This will make your skin dry and easily irritated and red. You should only exfoliate when bathing for 2-3 times a week. Just give an amount of exfoliating to the body and gently massage them so that the nutrients are better absorbed, then rinse with warm water, your skin will become soft and bright More sight!

Categories: beauty, beauty
By: yuliia
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