Writer: linnea-zielinski

The best Covid vaccine to get if you are hesitant to vaccination, doctors say

Are you inducted on vaccination against Covid? This can be the answer.

The best Covid vaccine to get if you are hesitant to vaccination, doctors say
Do this after your vaccine can make side effects worse, doctors say

You can have an even stronger reaction to Covid vaccine if you do that.

Do this after your vaccine can make side effects worse, doctors say
If you see that on your nails, it could be a tough sign of diabetes

Responses to your health issues may be right at hand.

If you see that on your nails, it could be a tough sign of diabetes
42 states are now in the red zone for COVID cases, the White House says

The working group increases the alarm of hospital capacity and urges generalized tests.

42 states are now in the red zone for COVID cases, the White House says
Warning signs you can have "the most mortal" cancer

Your best chance of survival is an early detection.

Warning signs you can have "the most mortal" cancer
12 regimes that you should never try, according to health experts

More those who really work.

12 regimes that you should never try, according to health experts
The best supplements you may need now, according to experts

Make sure you are covered by getting the A-Z Essential, these entirely natural sources.

The best supplements you may need now, according to experts
What a vitamin C plug every day made to your body

There is a bunch of benefits - and some risks - to progress your vitamin C intake.

What a vitamin C plug every day made to your body
Nutritional and delicious squash soup

A bowl filled with tasty sickers and tons of vitamins? It's not surprising that this vegetable soup is a pleasant durabnial.

Nutritional and delicious squash soup
How to eat healthy in a Thai restaurant

Thai can be a lighter alternative to other options to take away, but only if you order correctly.

How to eat healthy in a Thai restaurant
Cocktail Recipe classic Spritz

Raise your usual wine glass with this chic cocktail.

Cocktail Recipe classic Spritz
9 unwanted panels "own"

What is your pleasure guilty? Nothing, thanks to this guide.

9 unwanted panels "own"
Best and worst cream cheese deviations

When you are looking to rub some extra flavor during your morning bagel, you do not want to make the wrong choice.

Best and worst cream cheese deviations
5 signs you drink too much wine

Not sure if you drink too many vino? Here are some signs you can pay attention.

5 signs you drink too much wine
The healthiest lunches for children

We asked four registered dietitians to weigh with their ideas.

The healthiest lunches for children
Louis Vuitton makes free hand disinfecting the hands

The global pandemic of Covid 19 all concerns us. But it seems that humanity wins. Instead of reacting with fear and anger, because some did early that people acted more compassionate than ever, trying to help each other and support each other the best they can.

Louis Vuitton makes free hand disinfecting the hands
The ultimate guide for healthy greens (and how to eat them!)

All know that the Greens are good for your health and most of you probably already eat some of them with healthy smoothies or spicy swirls. Here is your ultimate guide for leafy greens and how to eat them.

The ultimate guide for healthy greens (and how to eat them!)
First impression: 3 words that describe you, depending on your zodiac sign

Do our zodiac signs influence how we present ourselves to other people? Astrologers believe that there are behavioral schemes that influence each zodiac sign. Do you want to know what to expect from you to the first date? Here are three words impressions for each sign of the zodiac.

First impression: 3 words that describe you, depending on your zodiac sign
How to tell your spouse you want a divorce, according to experts

First things first: make sure you really want that.

How to tell your spouse you want a divorce, according to experts
The last gift from Stephen Hawking to humanity will move you to tears

His legacy to the world may be his theories, but his gift was his kindness.

The last gift from Stephen Hawking to humanity will move you to tears
"James Bond" star Naomie Harris pushes to ban these sex scenes

The actor says that the changes illustrate that "regardless of your situation, you have options."

"James Bond" star Naomie Harris pushes to ban these sex scenes
Fauci says it would put the "nail in the coffin" of Covid-19

The latest news on development and what successful vaccine would look like.

Fauci says it would put the "nail in the coffin" of Covid-19
Booze infused desserts that will make you vanish

What can be better than being drunk eating late in the night? Day eats dessert that already has the baked liqueur, what is it. Gobble these delightful and matured without even tasted alcohol. These treats are all gourmet in its own right, but with an adult kick, your friends will die for the recipe.

Booze infused desserts that will make you vanish
6 best gluten-free flour alternatives, according to dietitians

You can not decide between coconut, almond or chickpea flour? Continues to read.

6 best gluten-free flour alternatives, according to dietitians
8 hacks to make your smoothie healthier

Get the most out of your favorite morning drink with these healthy smoothies hacks!

8 hacks to make your smoothie healthier
Side effects of drinking too much orange juice, according to science

Surprisingly, there are both good and bad effects.

Side effects of drinking too much orange juice, according to science
A new study reveals the reasons why many women face a false orgasm

Recent research identifies the mentality that leads 77% of women to simulate it.

A new study reveals the reasons why many women face a false orgasm
This medicine on the meter can kill Covid, the study says

Research has shown that it is "effective to considerably reduce and almost eliminate SARS-COV-2".

This medicine on the meter can kill Covid, the study says
Dr. Fauci says that here's how to avoid death during the pandemic

"Their mask protects you and your mask also protects you," said Fauci.

Dr. Fauci says that here's how to avoid death during the pandemic
17 menu changes from huge restaurants to come

Hey, I want to come together for a beautiful elegant brunch? We know a place where we can get organic vegetarian food, some eggs without cage and a few glasses of wine. It is a new articulation called ... Burger King.

17 menu changes from huge restaurants to come