Category: Lifestyle

Get for luck: 7 methods tested to improve your luck

For many people, lucky breaks are quite easy; But for others, it may seem like they never succeed in what they want. Although it may seem like everyone around you, you always win life, there are many ways to turn your luck.

Get for luck: 7 methods tested to improve your luck
7 Voyager signs with your bestie is not the best idea

Seeing new things and going new places can be a wonderful journey with traveling companions right, but unfortunately your best friend can not be the best option. If you plan a trip with your bestie soon, first check these 7 signs that you travel with your bestie is not the best idea.

7 Voyager signs with your bestie is not the best idea
6 steps to become better you

To love yourself seems an easy task, but it can actually take work. We are often so kind with people around us, but do not realize how cruel, we are ourselves. But self-love is important and the key to really live a happier life.

6 steps to become better you
Here's what your sleep habits reveal from you

How many of you are really concerned about the quality of sleep?

Here's what your sleep habits reveal from you
A gay couple immortalizes the beautiful traditional Indian wedding

Indian marriages, especially Hindu, are known to be extravagant and sumptuous, but also notoriously traditionally traditional. Aditya Madiraju and Amit Shah took this stereotype and turned it on his head in the best possible way.

A gay couple immortalizes the beautiful traditional Indian wedding
10 most influential women in history

Women are often left out of history, but play an integral role in it. We are here to take the return of the story and tell his story because he had to be said. These ladies paved the way for our greatness, so we will give them a sign of respect.

10 most influential women in history
How to celebrate the month of pride during the pandemic

Do your share today with these unique ways to celebrate the month of pride.

How to celebrate the month of pride during the pandemic
12 money tractors to avoid at all costs

Saving money is difficult and boring, but extremely necessarily. Instead of pushing debt and finance of worries in the back of your mind, attack them overcoming these lifestyle changes.

12 money tractors to avoid at all costs
The Asian supermarket offers a brightly simple solution to avoid plastic

This Asian supermarket called Rimping took a massive step to reduce the pollution of the environment - they stop using plastic. Overall, we only have one planet and we should take care of it.

The Asian supermarket offers a brightly simple solution to avoid plastic
10 awesome health trends you follow 2019

People go more and more organic in the way they eat, drink, dress, and live their lives in general. They started talking about mental health problems, traumatic experiences, and how to deal with them. It seems year 2019 will be-stuffed even more in the Department of Health. Here are 10 impressive health trends you should follow in 2019.

10 awesome health trends you follow 2019
12 things that no woman should have to apologize for

Women excuse statistically more than men. Does this mean that we do more hurt or that we really have to excuse you?

12 things that no woman should have to apologize for
6 best small business ideas for women

If you are looking for high-performance revenue streams that will earn the investment - as well as you come back to your busy schedule - look no further than this list of 6 best small business ideas for women.

6 best small business ideas for women
9 Positive Ig accounts of the body to inspire and empower each woman

Let's use our power to inspire and empower women everywhere. Here are 9 positive Instagram accounts of the body that you should follow so that some feel good vibrations.

9 Positive Ig accounts of the body to inspire and empower each woman
10 popular new year resolutions (and how to follow them on them)

New Year's resolutions are popular, but follow-up is not. Everything is about small steps and to know your limits. It is also about understanding how to focus the priorities and balancing attention between work, life and resolutions.

10 popular new year resolutions (and how to follow them on them)
8 unique new year ideas for you and your best friends

Here you will find here featuring options and very cold, because the most important thing is to have fun, whether in bed in your pajamas or the wildest party of the year.

8 unique new year ideas for you and your best friends
Top 10 Instagram accounts that show life in India as it is

We will show you the beauty of India through Instagram accounts that show life in India that it is. Take a look at the top 10 Instagram accounts that will present the best and most interesting bits in India and its citizens.

Top 10 Instagram accounts that show life in India as it is
8 tips for being a best friend forever

Having a BFF seems easy in movies. You have just clicked by magic with the person, do you like the same things, you hate the same things, you stay friends forever - it's also easy, right? Not really. You could simply click with a person at the beginning, but staying bffs requires work. You have to follow others, find the time to see them regularly, make sure to stay in the life of the other, etc. So here is a small cheat sheet to remind you how to be bffs.

8 tips for being a best friend forever
8 most inspiring modern gurus that you can learn from

We know all the great gurus and thinkers like Buddha, Jesus Christ and Confucius, but what about modern time gurus? There are a number of spiritual leaders who shape the thought of modern day and philosophy as we speak and we guarantee that there are many, they can also teach you.

8 most inspiring modern gurus that you can learn from
10 personality traits that make best friends

Lovers go and go, but the best friends stay with you forever. Here are 10 personality traits that make best friends.

10 personality traits that make best friends
Mom of 3 Transforming Old From From Fromnened Cumbers to Incredible Fashion Pieces

It turns out that you can easily turn old clothes into new and fashionable parts with only minimum sewing skills and Sarah Tyau, a mother of three children, the proof.

Mom of 3 Transforming Old From From Fromnened Cumbers to Incredible Fashion Pieces
A hilarious wedding joke to remember

Marriages are a strange time in his life. If you have the chance to do everything good luck - you have one one. It is therefore logical that people all leave and try to make it as memorable as possible. But Heidi Zherelyev came with an even better idea to make this day memorable.

A hilarious wedding joke to remember
10 common stereotypes on a healthy lifestyle that are really harmful

False stereotypes can often create a common knowledge due to a trend, but that knowledge is not necessarily true. Here are some myths of healthy lifestyle, amazed. You could start rethinking your entire routine!

10 common stereotypes on a healthy lifestyle that are really harmful
8 things you need to know about your body's energy levels

Do you feel moments when you're incredible energetic, but the next day you can not get up without a caffeine boost? We assure you, there are perfectly good reasons (albeit non-healthy) for Russian mountains. It seems that our energy depends not only on food and sleep, but also on a number of energy drainists.

8 things you need to know about your body's energy levels
15 tips for living a happy life starting right now

Be happy is not so difficult. We like to get out of being this unachievable goal, but in reality, everything is about making the right choices and thinking about good thoughts. If you want to be able to use a careful hand when it comes to living a happy life - take a look at these 15 tips. But do not connect and remember, try to apply some of these tips to your life for at least a month and you will see how happy you will feel.

15 tips for living a happy life starting right now
The Mexican designer creates a fantastic art as a form of self-therapy

Karen Cantú is a young inspiring designer of Mexico and his works of other works from other sources, magical and simply magnificent.

The Mexican designer creates a fantastic art as a form of self-therapy
10 reasons to go vegan today

In terms of science and nutrition, there is no need plausible to consume products of animal origin ... A balanced vegan diet can easily provide all nutrients (more than one integrated meat) than it) . Veganism is "on the trend" right now and studies show that those who follow a herbal diet are healthier. So, here is our top 9 reasons to go vegan this year!

10 reasons to go vegan today
12 things you stop taking care of 30 after

When you are in your teens and twenties, you feel everything so hard. It's the first time since many adult experiences. But as you continue to adult, you stop worrying about toxic things that are used to remember and be at the top of your list of priorities, exchange them for stuff that matters more.

12 things you stop taking care of 30 after
The best wedding color themes for autumn 2017

Autumn marriages are an excellent opportunity to add a little color to your wedding, a chance to do something fun and colorful, and you know, add some spices. Here is a look at some of the best autumn color schemes that you could incorporate on your special occasion.

The best wedding color themes for autumn 2017
Which one is you? 12 television characters based on your panel

It is not uncommon for us to feel this special connection to a certain character on television. Why is it going? It seems that some of the most emblematic television heroes and heroines embody the features and characteristics of certain zodiac signs. This is exactly what makes us resonate with them a deeper level! All television we see characters who represent the strict virgin, passionate Gemini, the stubborn taurus, the feisty Leo, the diplomatic balance, the Sagittarius sign, the attentive scorce, the spiritual aquarius, the confident capricorn and the dream fish. ..

Which one is you? 12 television characters based on your panel
15 inspiring images of women standing up to the system

Some people have a keen sense of justice and sometimes these people are women. Here are 15 captivating images of women standing up to the system.

15 inspiring images of women standing up to the system