8 tips for being a best friend forever

Having a BFF seems easy in movies. You have just clicked by magic with the person, do you like the same things, you hate the same things, you stay friends forever - it's also easy, right? Not really. You could simply click with a person at the beginning, but staying bffs requires work. You have to follow others, find the time to see them regularly, make sure to stay in the life of the other, etc. So here is a small cheat sheet to remind you how to be bffs.

Having a BFF seems easy in movies. You have just clicked by magic with the person, do you like the same things, you hate the same things, you stay friends forever - it's also easy, right? Not really. You could simply click with a person at the beginning, but staying bffs requires work. You have to follow others, find the time to see them regularly, make sure to stay in the life of the other, etc. So here is a small cheat sheet to remind you how to be bffs.

1. Be proactive to see each other
It does not matter if you live just around the corner or in opposite ends of the city - you have to make sure you see you. How are you going to keep this friendship? The important thing here is that you both make sure to set aside each other. This can be as small as another 15 minutes to make a coffee together before the work or evening of biile girls.

2. Be honest with each other
All the point of being Bffs is that you have a person in your life that will support you, but you also dissolve the truth without sugar as a result of its need. So you have to be honest with each other. No authorized lies.

When the fries are down and that you are at the end of your rope - that's where the BBF entered. You are supposed to help you see the good side of life. If one of you runs through a break or simply stress with stress at work - your BFF will help you treat and remind you that it will also pass and there are good times to come.

When you feel that you can not tell anyone, your family will not understand, your partner will not understand it - your BFF is to share them. This is the best friends. They always have your back.

5. You agree to you for who you are
Listen, there is no guarantee that you will find a perfectly charming and beautiful Darcy brand that loves you like you, but you can be a version of it for your BFF. You all agree with all your faults and imperfections and do not try to change you in a perfect strange version of a human.

6. Text or remember them
You know how annoying it can be to read, it leads foolish people. So, never do that to your BFF. Answer immediately if you are not really busy. And watch Netflix or YouTube does not qualify as "busy".

7. Forgetting jealousy
Jealousy is not something that should be present in a BFF relationship. You should be happy for the success of the other, whether it is a promotion at work or a fitness success. Being jealous of something in your friend's life is ridiculous, it implies that you do not want them to be happy or that you think they do not deserve it. It's not very boff of you, is not it?

8. Do not compete with each other
Some people will say that a little competition could be a good idea, but when BBFS is worried, it's just not true. Why would you like to compete with each other? It can become very toxic very quickly. Instead, you should ask you to do your best and celebrate when you reach your goals.

Categories: Lifestyle
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